Tópico Oficial The Outer Worlds - Welcome to the Future


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul

Greetings employees of Halcyon,

We want to take this opportunity to thank the incredible team behind The Outer Worlds. It is because of their hard work and dedication to this project that we received the Best Narrative, Best Performance - Ashly Burch, Best RPG, and Game of the Year nominations at The Game Awards.

To all of those who voted for us in The Game Awards, you are all fantastic and we are so grateful for your support. The reception to The Outer Worlds has been unbelievable to see, and even just being nominated means a lot. However, the journey isn't over yet as we are excited to announce that we will be expanding the story through DLC next year! Details will be made available at a later date.

Now we would like to allow our game directors to share a message with you all:

We just wanted to personally thank our team for doing a wonderful job and our fans for their tremendous support.

And Tim would like to say what an honor it was to work with me. – Leonard

Whatever, Leonard. Now that we’ve finished, I expect that certain photographs will be destroyed, as per our agreement. – Tim


we will be expanding the story through DLC next year! Details will be made available at a later date.



The Herdy

Março 1, 2011
Superou minhas expectativas. Por sair no gamepass, eu achei que o jogo venderia no máximo 1 milhão de cópias.
Com a base instalada gigante do PS4 pra jogar sem gamepass, o jogo foi indicado a Goty (apesar de eu achar que não merecia), chama atenção.

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