Teremos novidades para Recore em breve [+Recore Definitive Edition anunciado]


Julho 9, 2016
Ok, now let’s take a look at what’s in the ReCore Definitive Edition!

  • Enhanced visuals (increased resolution and HDR)
  • A brand-new adventure, “Eye of Obsidian”
  • T8-NK Corebot (“Tank”)
  • New Environments
  • New Dungeons
  • 3 new weapon modes for Joule
  • New gear for all Corebots
  • More enemy types
  • Gameplay and performance enhancements (yes, this includes load times!)


As novidades parecem interessantes.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Detalharam o que vem de novidade no site oficial.


Enhanced visuals (increased resolution and HDR support)
20 New Achievements and 500 gamerscore.
Increased level cap from 30 to 40
4 new bosses and Tank challenges
Various UX and Feedback fixes (Core Pulling HUD, Combo Counter feedback & wordsmithing, menu navigation)
Audio for pickups, combat feedback, rewards improved
Dialogue from Corebots and Violet is no longer in the Corebot language and is now readable

New Adventure
“Eye of Obsidian” is a brand new chapter in the ReCore story. Join the plucky Corebot, Violet, and journey into the permanent midnight of the “Starving Sea”, a previously unexplored region of Far Eden where ancient enemies plot their revenge on the last remnants of humankind!

New Companion
T8-NK Corebot (“Tank”)

New Areas to Explore
2 New Overworlds
10 New Dungeons
Dynamic sandstorms in Far Eden’s Shifting Sands regions. Brave the storms to defeat more dangerous enemies and earn more valuable loot.

New Weapon Modes
3 new weapon modes for Joule’s Energy Rifle (switch to these instead of the charge shot)

Load Times
When dying, reload times for combat encounters went from 30-60 seconds to < 5 seconds
Restarting traversals and arenas are now instantaneous (was a load before)
Optimized Level/Area Load Times

Prismatic Cores
Added P-Cores for additional game play rewards and made them show up on the map from greater distances
P-Core requirements fixed to a single value for the entire E-Tower. (Once you’re in the E-Tower, you no longer need additional cores.)

The Map
The Map displays everything that needs to be collected (audio logs, chests, prismatic cores)
The Map shows all visual parts of dungeon maps
Objective Markers improved
Map improvements (greater visual detail, better iconography, improved zoom functionality, more game elements show up like power cells, audio logs, etc)

Fast Travel
Fast Travel points now allow the player to complete Stash Transfers, Swap Cores and set their Companion Party Configuration without having to go back to the Sandcrawler
The player can now warp anywhere there is a Fast Travel node via the Map
Intra-Level (e.g. within The Cradle) fast travel warping is now instantaneous
Added a few new Fast Travel nodes (Granite Steps, Lonely Basin, The Cradle)

All new AoK gear for all Corebots
Armor stats now make each Set vastly different from one another & the Perks have been refined and polished
Blueprint Inventory now sorts by Armor Type, Color and LVL requirement

Improved the Combo Meter to encourage much higher combo amounts, with the ability to chain combos for a longer period of time.
At high combos (more than x10), the player now keeps some of the combo meter after using an extract!
Global weapon tuning, enemy health and damage balancing, and late game encounter improvements


Fevereiro 23, 2007
Rio de Janeiro
Detalharam o que vem de novidade no site oficial.


Enhanced visuals (increased resolution and HDR support)
20 New Achievements and 500 gamerscore.
Increased level cap from 30 to 40
4 new bosses and Tank challenges
Various UX and Feedback fixes (Core Pulling HUD, Combo Counter feedback & wordsmithing, menu navigation)
Audio for pickups, combat feedback, rewards improved
Dialogue from Corebots and Violet is no longer in the Corebot language and is now readable

New Adventure
“Eye of Obsidian” is a brand new chapter in the ReCore story. Join the plucky Corebot, Violet, and journey into the permanent midnight of the “Starving Sea”, a previously unexplored region of Far Eden where ancient enemies plot their revenge on the last remnants of humankind!

New Companion
T8-NK Corebot (“Tank”)

New Areas to Explore
2 New Overworlds
10 New Dungeons
Dynamic sandstorms in Far Eden’s Shifting Sands regions. Brave the storms to defeat more dangerous enemies and earn more valuable loot.

New Weapon Modes
3 new weapon modes for Joule’s Energy Rifle (switch to these instead of the charge shot)

Load Times
When dying, reload times for combat encounters went from 30-60 seconds to < 5 seconds
Restarting traversals and arenas are now instantaneous (was a load before)
Optimized Level/Area Load Times

Prismatic Cores
Added P-Cores for additional game play rewards and made them show up on the map from greater distances
P-Core requirements fixed to a single value for the entire E-Tower. (Once you’re in the E-Tower, you no longer need additional cores.)

The Map
The Map displays everything that needs to be collected (audio logs, chests, prismatic cores)
The Map shows all visual parts of dungeon maps
Objective Markers improved
Map improvements (greater visual detail, better iconography, improved zoom functionality, more game elements show up like power cells, audio logs, etc)

Fast Travel
Fast Travel points now allow the player to complete Stash Transfers, Swap Cores and set their Companion Party Configuration without having to go back to the Sandcrawler
The player can now warp anywhere there is a Fast Travel node via the Map
Intra-Level (e.g. within The Cradle) fast travel warping is now instantaneous
Added a few new Fast Travel nodes (Granite Steps, Lonely Basin, The Cradle)

All new AoK gear for all Corebots
Armor stats now make each Set vastly different from one another & the Perks have been refined and polished
Blueprint Inventory now sorts by Armor Type, Color and LVL requirement

Improved the Combo Meter to encourage much higher combo amounts, with the ability to chain combos for a longer period of time.
At high combos (more than x10), the player now keeps some of the combo meter after using an extract!
Global weapon tuning, enemy health and damage balancing, and late game encounter improvements
Olha que legal ,20 New Achievements and 500 gamerscore vou jogar novamente.


Novembro 19, 2015
Porto Alegre / RS
muitas mudanças, da a impressão de realmente ser um jogo novo, mas o mais impactante deverá ser as mudanças do tempo de loading...

De qualquer forma é legal ver como ouviram todas as queixas do jogadores e como se empenharam para melhorar tantas coisas...

Realmente um novo lançamento deste game, espero que agora ele tenha o devido sucesso, o game já era divertido antes, imagino agora, estou realmente ansioso por ele =)


Junho 27, 2015
Que legal. Parei no finalzinho, na E-tower.
Pelo que vi da lista de adicões, as poucas queixas que tinha do jogo, sendo uma delas os núcleos prismáticos, serão completamente sanadas.

Agora vou regressar no game, só pra prestigiar todo o trabalho que tiveram em evoluir o jogo, e torcendo quem sabe por uma continuação de alto nível.


Lobo Solitário
Maio 5, 2013
Muitas melhorias e correções de coisas que a comunidade reclamava. Espero que seja um indicativo de que esta é uma IP que veio para ficar.

Fiquei só com a dúvida se vou poder continuar a partir do save atual ou vou ter que começar novamente.


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Botei pra atualizar aqui também, espero que tenha melhorado tanto quanto parece.
Eles corrigiram pequenas chateações do jogo, mas foram muitas.
Mas existe ainda um conceito macro do jogo que permanecerá inalterado, e nesse ponto quem não gostou da proposta como um todo duvido que mude de ideia sobre o jogo.

Enviado do meu ASUS_Z012DC usando o app mobile do PXB!
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