Tópico Oficial Sea of Thieves - Estamos todos bêbados. E não é o Servidor!

Dam Barbosa

Setembro 12, 2016
Fortaleza, Ceará
Eu joguei um pouco ontem sozinho, pessoalmente não curto muito jogar desta maneira, mas a vontade de voltar a jogar foi maior. Consegui fazer muita coisa até, pegar bastante baú.

Me surpreendi, imagino que o número de jogadores tenha decaído, mas no mesmo servidor que eu vi pelo menos 2 galeões e 3 corvetas além da minha.

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Reações: xandynhoz


Dezembro 14, 2014
Campina Grande
Eu joguei um pouco ontem sozinho, pessoalmente não curto muito jogar desta maneira, mas a vontade de voltar a jogar foi maior. Consegui fazer muita coisa até, pegar bastante baú.

Me surpreendi, imagino que o número de jogadores tenha decaído, mas no mesmo servidor que eu vi pelo menos 2 galeões e 3 corvetas além da minha.

Enviado do meu Lenovo K10a40 usando o app mobile do PXB!
Me adicione, tenho jogando com 2 amigo e estamos a procura de um quarto jogador para completar a equipe...hj a noite estaremos jogando, se quiser participar é só avisar.
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Reações: Dam Barbosa

Deleted member 13988

Saiu o Roadmap agora pouco, segue em inglês:
it's been just over three weeks since we launched Sea of Thieves, and a lot has happened since then! We've been listening to you all, and we know you are keen to hear how we plan to grow Sea of Thieves. As we've always said, launch is just the start, and we are going to grow and evolve the game with feedback from our community. It feels like the right time to reveal how we'll do this.

Sea of Thieves is a unique experience. As we look to add to the game, we will be very purposeful about the type of experience we want to create, and how we want this game to grow. At the same time, we have also been listening closely to everyone playing the game since launch and have been ensuring that this feeds into our content plans. When considering what to add to our plans, we always consider how we can make the most impact on the following:
  • Bringing players together in interesting ways, encouraging different types of player encounters
  • Enriching the world that players adventure in
  • Giving players new ways to play
  • Giving players a variety of goals and rewards
  • Broadening the journey to Pirate Legend and beyond

    Alongside this, what's key for us is the rhythm and cadence we want to get into with Sea of Thieves. Our focus for April is to continue addressing the top feedback points, but as we move into May, our focus will shift to new content.

    Our first content update, The Hungering Deep, will release in May and bring with it a new AI threat to the world. Crews will have to work together to discover and defeat this threat as part of a unique event. We will also be introducing a number of new mechanics to assist players on this adventure, and there will be unique rewards that players can earn as part of this event. Beyond this, we will begin our weekly events programme during May, where we introduce new mechanics and give players fun new ways to play with weekly events and rewards.

    In the summer months, we'll debut two more content updates with Cursed Sails, which will include a new ship type, and Forsaken Shores, which will introduce players to a perilous new part of the world to explore. Similarly to The Hungering Deep, both of these updates will also include new gameplay mechanics for players, new AI threats to challenge and new unique rewards to claim.

    As we've always said, we never wanted to do anything to separate our players, so we're pleased to confirm that all content updates will be available to all our players, at no additional cost.

    For more details on our plans for the coming months, and some in-depth thinking behind them, please watch the video below.


Julho 9, 2016
Saiu o Roadmap agora pouco, segue em inglês:
it's been just over three weeks since we launched Sea of Thieves, and a lot has happened since then! We've been listening to you all, and we know you are keen to hear how we plan to grow Sea of Thieves. As we've always said, launch is just the start, and we are going to grow and evolve the game with feedback from our community. It feels like the right time to reveal how we'll do this.

Sea of Thieves is a unique experience. As we look to add to the game, we will be very purposeful about the type of experience we want to create, and how we want this game to grow. At the same time, we have also been listening closely to everyone playing the game since launch and have been ensuring that this feeds into our content plans. When considering what to add to our plans, we always consider how we can make the most impact on the following:
  • Bringing players together in interesting ways, encouraging different types of player encounters
  • Enriching the world that players adventure in
  • Giving players new ways to play
  • Giving players a variety of goals and rewards
  • Broadening the journey to Pirate Legend and beyond

    Alongside this, what's key for us is the rhythm and cadence we want to get into with Sea of Thieves. Our focus for April is to continue addressing the top feedback points, but as we move into May, our focus will shift to new content.

    Our first content update, The Hungering Deep, will release in May and bring with it a new AI threat to the world. Crews will have to work together to discover and defeat this threat as part of a unique event. We will also be introducing a number of new mechanics to assist players on this adventure, and there will be unique rewards that players can earn as part of this event. Beyond this, we will begin our weekly events programme during May, where we introduce new mechanics and give players fun new ways to play with weekly events and rewards.

    In the summer months, we'll debut two more content updates with Cursed Sails, which will include a new ship type, and Forsaken Shores, which will introduce players to a perilous new part of the world to explore. Similarly to The Hungering Deep, both of these updates will also include new gameplay mechanics for players, new AI threats to challenge and new unique rewards to claim.

    As we've always said, we never wanted to do anything to separate our players, so we're pleased to confirm that all content updates will be available to all our players, at no additional cost.

    For more details on our plans for the coming months, and some in-depth thinking behind them, please watch the video below.

É, deu pra dar uma animada lendo isso ai, pelo menos estão trabalhando. Em maio voltarei a jogar.

Dam Barbosa

Setembro 12, 2016
Fortaleza, Ceará
Tinha que ser mais rapidas essas atualizações, maio vai ter State of Decay, não sei se sobrará tempo para o Sea of Thieves.
Entendo a necessidade, mas não faz nem um mês que o jogo foi lançado. Se lançassem uma atualização de conteúdo acho que seria uma coisa em tempo recorde.

Enviado do meu Lenovo K10a40 usando o app mobile do PXB!
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Reações: caiocmsouza

Dam Barbosa

Setembro 12, 2016
Fortaleza, Ceará
Ontem joguei com o Maxximoff aqui do PXB e foi muito show. Jogamos em 4 pessoas, uma galera muito bacana. Aconteceu uma coisa bem curiosa, decidimos fazer o evento do forte da caveira e chegando próximo um Galeão veio nos atacar, ficamos bons minutos trocando tiros, acho que eles ficaram sem suprimento e foram para ilha do forte. Aí eles pararam lá e eu furei o barco deles de tanto tiro e afundaram. Quando começamos o evento tinha pelo menos mais 2 galeões por perto, um deles veio nos atacar, mas ele acabou se esquivando e ficou parado um pouco longe. Acontece que os 4 malucos eram BRs e nos convidaram pro grupo e decidimos nos ajudar. Foi muito bacana, todo mundo se ajudando e conseguimos terminar o evento.

Alguém ou alguma coisa, ninguém conseguiu entender, estourou um barril de pólvora no barco deles e então decidimos que iríamos os 8 no nosso barco, todos no mesmo barco. Dividimos o loot e fomos no outpost vender os tesouros. Vendemos, tudo bem certinho, ninguém tentou sabotar ninguém e no final fizemos mais 4 amigos na live e fomos atrás de outros galeões próximos pra fazer maldade.

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