Review RiME


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS

Uma terra de descobertas se estende diante de você. Explore o lindo, mas áspero, mundo de RiME, uma aventura solo com quebra-cabeças. Em RiME, você joga como um menino que acordou em uma ilha misteriosa, após uma tempestade torrencial. Você vê animais selvagens, ruínas há muito esquecidas e uma gigantesca torre que convida você a chegar mais perto. Armado apenas com sua inteligência e a vontade de superar obstáculos — além da bem-vinda ajuda de uma raposa como guia —, você precisa explorar a ilha enigmática, alcançar o alto da torre e desbloquear seus segredos mais bem guardados. CARACTERÍSTICAS: Explore – Descubra a ilha misteriosa no seu próprio ritmo. Interaja com a vida selvagem, procure por itens escondidos ou simplesmente desfrute das paisagens e dos sons. Resolva Quebra-Cabeças – Abra caminho através das antigas ruínas e suas maravilhas escondidas resolvendo quebra-cabeças com sons, luzes e projeção de sombras, perspectiva, plataformas e até mesmo manipulação do tempo. Encontre Segredos – Mergulhe fundo na história do menino e descubra dezenas de segredos e colecionáveis. Encante-se – Entre em um lindo mundo, inspirado pelas maravilhas do clima Mediterrâneo, através de uma fusão de músicas e cores cativantes.

Data de Lançamento 26/05/2017
Versão para PC, PS4 , Xbox One e Switch (sem data para lançamento).

Xbox Live R $ 53,10 ** Na PSN BR o valor está R $ 107,50 , pode ser que o preço na Live seja reajustado.


  1. The Digital Fix 100
    A personal, touching journey wearing the bright red cloak of an intricate puzzle. For a game that doesn’t utter a word, RiME says a lot - and it’s all wonderful.
  2. Playstation Universe 95
    What RiME does so well is marry pleasing puzzle platforming to a tender, understated story, and then puts it in a beautifully bleak world filled with mystery. RiME takes the baton from the likes of Journey and Ico, and strides to victory with ease.Tequila Works takes aspects of those classics, and puts a personal touch on the results to create something special.
  3. CGMagazine 95
    RiME is the rare game that balances its spectacle and whimsy with a dose of quiet humanity.
  4. Hobby Consolas 91
    RiME is a lesson of how to make video games. The soundtrack is a masterpiece, game mechanics are great and the story left no place to speculation. Without any doubt, one of the essential games of this year.
  5. GameGrin 90
    Rime is a triumph of storytelling and game design. The beautiful hand crafted world is a joy to explore and the puzzles are fun to complete. Stunning visuals and a stellar score, combined with a deeply personal and emotional story create a truly unforgettable experience that will resonate with players for years to come.
  6. IBTimes UK 90
    Rime is a beautiful ode to life, loss and childhood that's as much a pleasure to behold as it is to play. Genteel puzzling and exploration make for great bedfellows in a memorable adventure only let down ever so slightly by some minimal frame rate stutter and a final act that while emotionally resonant provides little challenge or escalation in terms of gameplay. Nearly four years on from its much-hyped debut, Rime proves itself to be have been absolutely worth the wait.
  7. Areajugones 90
    Tequila Works has created an adventure full of exciting moments and unforgettable scenes. Its music and artistic style turn it into a masterpiece. There is no doubt that it will become one of the best titles of this current generation..
  8. God is a Geek 90
    I haven't played anything like this since Journey. It is a stunning game to explore and exist in, and the story is going to move a lot of people.
  9. GamesRadar+ 90
    An intoxicating, memorable journey, with smart puzzles and a resonant story.
  10. Attack of the Fanboy 90
    Rime is a competent puzzler, but its real strengths are in its ability to draw emotions from the player using the combination of great art, music, and a thought provoking ending.
  11. DualShockers 90
    In a year that has been filled with some of best games this generation, RiME finds a way to stand out thanks to its unique world and impactful story. While it might not contain the most original gameplay of all time, its beautiful vistas and fantastic soundtrack will keep you coming back for more just to see if there’s a corner of the island that you haven’t discovered yet.
  12. 90
    Rime is an exceptional game. It nails almost everything it tries to do, from the excellent graphics and heartwrenching music, to the interesting puzzles and engaging story beats. What really sets the game apart though, is the environments, with all their stories and secrets. Thus, Rime is a truly spectacular game experience that deserves to be played.
  13. COGconnected 89
    While Rime’s long trek from announcement to delivery may have been tough to endure for those initially struck by its ethereal charm, the wait has been worth it. Rime is thoughtful, intelligently designed, and satisfyingly accomplishes the emotional experience it strives to deliver. It’s Journey meets The Last Guardian, and while individual elements of Rime feel familiar at times, the way they’re combined make for a unique and memorable experience.
  14. The Games Machine 87
    RiME doesn't do anything new, but it does it in a truly unique, heartfelt way. Tequila Works created a wonderful adventure, with a strong Mediterranean feeling, some nice puzzles and a really moving finale.
  15. 3DJuegos 85
    RiME is one of the most elegant free roam adventures out there, a beautiful and moving game.
  16. LaPS4 80
    Rime is a poetic and inspiring adventure game, but it's also a short game and not as surprising as we had expected when it comes to gameplay mechanics. The Spanish studio has demonstrated their taste when it comes to artistic and storytelling aspects, with a soul-crushing ending that will make you remember this journey for a long time to come.
  17. 80
    RiME is a unique journey of exploration, reflection, contemplation.
  18. TheSixthAxis 80
    Tequila Works’ efforts these past few years have delivered a game that’s full of beguiling charm and beauty, one that can stand up to many of the comparisons with some of the most fondly remembered games of the last decade. It doesn’t always meet those high standards, but Rime has been well worth the wait.
  19. Game Informer 80
    In the end, everything is sharply pulled into focus with a simple, but dramatic final story revelation and level. It made me want to replay the game from my new perspective and even seek out the collectibles I had earlier written off as unnecessary. Many elements of Rime are familiar, but it is an effective use of the medium and expertly builds up to (and executes) its cathartic finale.
  20. Push Square 80
    Tequila Works’ long-awaited title takes you on a heartfelt adventure through large, open areas full of personality and imaginative puzzles. Comparisons to the likes of Journey or ICO were inevitable, and while it can imitate a little too closely, it has just enough fresh ideas to set it apart. Its clean and colourful presentation is backed up by a truly excellent soundtrack, and the story conjures up some wonderful moments along its fairly brief duration. Those looking for a fun, cohesive, and original puzzle platformer could do far worse than investing some time in RiME.
  21. VideoGamer 70
    Other games of its ilk may punch harder on their message, and the challenge here is all but non-existent. But RiME is a beautiful painting come to life, backed by an exceptional score that will make your journey across this island a joy.
  22. Destructoid 70
    Even during its most underwhelming moments Rime got a response out of me, and I'll remember it for years to come.
  23. USgamer 60
    Rime is a beautiful, beautiful game that manages to feel remarkably empty, even in the face of its earnest attempts. The aesthetic that breathes life into the island of Rime feels a bit too familiar, but it doesn't dampen its vast, ever-photographable horizons. Nonetheless, Rime is a light third-person adventure game with quiet puzzle solving, in a year where we haven't had much of those, which alone makes it a worthwhile respite.
  24. GameSpot 60
    Rime's artistry is unquestionable. Each world is enchanting in its own way, from the naturalistic peace of the first to the abstract doom of the last. Its soundtrack is similarly beautiful, capable of evoking wonder, tension, and fear in equal measure. But when compared to its influences like Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Journey, it doesn't hold up too well. Consistent navigation problems, some frustrating puzzles, fiddly platforming, and severe frame rate dips make Rime feel like a well-dressed tribute act.
  25. Somos Xbox 92
    An epic and broad story, music that makes hearts beat and a loving artistic aspect. Those are Rime’s foundations, a true masterpiece that everyone should try. When you get inside this world of puzzles and perils, nothing is going to detach you from the screen, because RiME catches you.
  26. Xbox Achievements 90
    As games of this type go, RiME is among the best, its picturesque world one you'll want to spend time in and return to once the narrative has run its course. A stunning, dreamlike experience.

Última edição:


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Extremamente surpreso com essa recepção de Rime.

Day One, mas só vou jogar em agosto.
Última edição:
  • Curtir
Reações: CaioNF


Membro da Outer Wilds Ventures
PXB Gold
Outubro 19, 2011
Bom saber, estava com medo quando fiz a pré compra haha
Só esperar lançar amanhã o/

Enviado do meu LG-K220 usando o app mobile do PXB!


Novembro 10, 2005
Queria jogar esse no Switch, mas acho que o preço vai me.espantar. E nem data de lançamento tem ainda.
  • Curtir
Reações: Rodrigo91


Fevereiro 1, 2010
Extremamente surpreso com essa recepção de Rime.
Somos dois.

Mais um que prova que às vezes jogos com desenvolvimento caótico e histórico de problemas acabam sendo lançados com boas reviews.

Não precisa cancelar, deixa o jogo respirar pô :D


PXB Gold
Dezembro 10, 2014
Assim que saiu a reserva é vi alguns vídeos, não pensei duas vezes. Só esperando meia noite pra jogar essa belezura.


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Não precisa cancelar, deixa o jogo respirar pô
É, todo mundo pode errar. Pelo menos nesse caso, pelo porte do projeto, a desenvolvedora conseguiu pegar os direitos de volta e arranjar outra publisher. Se ela já tivesse consumido uns 30 milhões de dólares, a história seria outra.
  • Curtir
Reações: JBFM


Fevereiro 1, 2010
É, todo mundo pode errar. Pelo menos nesse caso, pelo porte do projeto, a desenvolvedora conseguiu pegar os direitos de volta e arranjar outra publisher. Se ela já tivesse consumido uns 30 milhões de dólares, a história seria outra.
Boto fé, a mágoa de perder 30 milhões deve ser
Ou seja, mais uma prova de que "cada caso é um caso". :relieved:
Mas esse é o meu ponto, gira o dado pô. Cadê a emoção, o que são 30 milhões entre amigos? É como o Cayde-6 fala no trailer de Destiny 2 "no pior dos casos você morre...mas quem sabe, vai que não" :D
  • Curtir
Reações: Saci


Janeiro 7, 2007
Estava de olho nesse jogo desde que apareceu a primeira vez, não estou tão surpreso com as notas. Comprarei com certeza.

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