[REVIEWS] Dead Rising 4 - 74


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul

Ninguém fez, então bora lá: cês tão sabendo que Dead Rising 4 tá pra ser lançado, né?
Reviews começaram a sair, Metacritic atual 75.

Gaming Trend - 90
Dead Rising 4 is bloody, chaotic, and downright hilarious. If you’re looking to turn your brain off this holiday season, and de-stress with
gratuitous violence, this is the game for you.

Attack of the Fanboy - 90
Dead Rising 4 is able to take the best elements of the older and newer games in the series and mash them into a spectacular open-world zombie-slaying experience. The game’s core gameplay is just so engaging and enjoyable that diving into hordes after hordes of zombies to wreak havoc never gets old, and having Frank West back in the action makes it even better. The series is certainly in a much different spot now than it was 10 years ago, but its future has never looked brighter.

Game Informer - 88
I enjoyed getting dirty in Dead Rising 4’s madcap sandbox, and I’d expect that people who have kept up with the series will also have a great time wreaking havoc in Willamette. Players who wanted to get into it before but were put off by the time constraints should definitely give it a shot, too. In many ways, this is the game that people who just wanted to be a one-man zombie wrecking crew were probably hoping for all along.

IGN - 81
Dead Rising 4 has the best core gameplay the series has ever seen. Its inventive and humorous ways to put down the dead are something I still haven’t tired of, and its surprisingly interesting plot is more than just a zombie-killing delivery system. Despite the technical blemishes that come with the series, its lack of co-op story mode play, and the fun-yet-unreliable multiplayer, Frank West’s return brings the series some fresh ideas, a ton of bloody mayhem, and a whole lot of cracking wise. Here’s hoping he sticks around for a while.

Lazygamer - 80
Dead Rising 4 is fun, silly and gleefully absurd in its execution of thousands upon thousands of undead fodder as it aims to make the apocalypse fun again.

GamesRadar+ - 80
Not always thrilling, but Dead Rising 4 feels like the series getting its sense of fun back. And that's a great thing.

The Jimquisition - 80
While there are some disappointments and archaic clunkiness, Dead Rising 4 is a great time that makes smart improvements over Dead Rising 3. The comedic beats are surprisingly well executed, especially early on in the campaign, and while the conclusion may be hugely disappointing to some, I can’t fault the series its boldness.

God is a Geek - 75
Dead Rising 4 is a lot of fun, but the challenge and tension that made the first few games so unique are dead and buried.

Destructoid - 75
For those of you who have been scared off by Dead Rising in the past, maybe this is your time.

GameSpot - 70
Dead Rising 4 maintains the series' tradition of superficial yet entertaining mayhem by adapting ideas from every previous iteration.

GamesBeat - 60
Dead Rising 4 is like a digital stress ball. It can be cathartic to let loose and kill thousands of zombies whenever you want, but it doesn’t have much else going for it, even with the charming Christmas setting and a compelling multiplayer mode. If you’re a diehard Dead Rising fan, you might get more out of the story than I did. Like the characters mentioned earlier, the narrative is not very interesting and mostly served as a way to push me to different parts of the map.

Trusted Reviews - 40
Four games in and Dead Rising as a series has all but exhausted its core concepts, but these tricks might still entertain you if you just want to cut some rotting meat in half. For me, Dead Rising 4’s surface schlock quickly became tedious shoddiness, and the result is a disappointingly dull open-world game that simply can’t hold a candle to this year’s best.

CGMagazine - 40
An unfunny and unfun mess of a game, Dead Rising 4 is a shambling corpse of a once-great franchise. Capcom would be wise to put it out of its misery.

Todos os reviews: http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-one/dead-rising-4/critic-reviews


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Só li o review do Jim Sterling, parece que de fato é um bom jogo, competente, mas a temática não me agrada mesmo.
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Reações: Linho


Junho 27, 2015
Hum, parece ser do mesmo time do Saints Row 4: mesma média de notas, e mesmo estilo escrachado.
Como curti o SR4, então as chances de eu gostar desse Dead Rising 4 são muito grandes.
As notas vão ficar nesse média, por consequência o preço vai despencar mais rápido, e aí sim eu vou comprar.
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Reações: Linho e Aelurio


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo
Só gostei do primeiro jogo. A dificuldade dele o tornava tudo muito mais emocionante. O mimimi estragou com ele.


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
Nunca fui fã de jogos zoeiras , mas após o Sunset Overdrive estou disposto a dar uma chance ao Dead Rising. E vou além , se eu gostar do 4 também estou disposto caso seja possível jogar no One comprar os anteriores .


Lobo Solitário
Maio 5, 2013
Está na minha lista de desejos, problema aqui é o preço + jogos que tenho para finalizar.
E por enquanto tá tudo parado até eu fechar o Gears 4.


Janeiro 12, 2016
Ribeirão Preto
Ninguém dos meus amigos tava lembrando que ia sair esse jogo, quase não teve tópico aqui no fórum e ainda ta pouco movimentado e é um tema que só o Morts gosta hahahaha
Seria uma boa hora de começarem repensar a franquia... Tá bem sem sal.
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Reações: Linho e Edu Barros


Novembro 11, 2006
Lembro quando joguei o primeiro Dead Rising lá em dois mil e pouco. Impressionava muito porque nenhum jogo jamais tinha colocado tantos NPCs em uma tela. Fora que era muito divertido, tinha uma boa história e a febre zumbi da mídia estava no começo.

Dez anos depois, já está no caminho da irrelevância. Tá bom da Capcom dar um descanso.
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Reações: Linho


Fevereiro 1, 2010
Gostei muito do 3 apesar de seus defeitos óbvios. Sem falar que como o @Morts, consumir conteúdo zumbi para mim é mais que uma obrigação :D
Definitivamente vou checar DR4 quando aparecer numa oferta legal daqui uns meses, ainda mais pelas várias menções de que o jogo possui o melhor gameplay, personagens, plot e história de toda a série.
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Reações: Morts

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