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Tópico Oficial Promoções e Games With Gold - Xbox Live


Desde o Oddysey
Novembro 21, 2006
Belo Horizonte
Tópico dedicado a organizar todas as promoções ativas da nossa plataforma gamer preferida, o XBOX ONE. Nele teremos:

Manual de Pesquisa (preencha o campo PESQUISAR sem as aspas)
Notas >= 80 - "goldm"
Notas >= 60 - "silverm"
Notas <= 59 - "bronzem"
Jogos - "game"
DLCs - "dlc"

Quando os jogos são atualizados?

  • Games With Gold: Todo meio/final do mês;
  • Promoções (Gold ou Silver); de hora em hora. Geralmente os jogos começam a aparecer nas segundas-feiras a partir das 21 horas. Mas sempre durante a semana uma ou outra promoção aparece;
  • Gamepass e EA Access: Uma vez ao dia.
O jogo (Coloque o nome do jogo aqui) está informando erroneamente se é 4K, HDR ou XBOX ENHANCED.
  • Os jogos são atualizados de acordo com as informações dadas pela Microsoft. Para ver isso clique no link e veja na parte dos RECURSOS. Infelizmente somente ela pode arrumar.
O jogo (Coloque o nome do jogo aqui) na retrocompatibilidade não está na lista e/ou não aparece no aviso de entrada pelo @Grunt
  • Apesar que alguns jogos da retrocompatibilidade entrarem nas listas, o foco do tópico é XBOX ONE.
Gostei muito do tópico, posso AJUDAR em alguma coisa?
  • Claro, comprando diretamente no link do jogo ou dlc neste tópico você estará ajudando muito nossa comunidade.
Games With Gold
3 jogo(s)
? = Novidades
Coffee Talk WeakGAME
Shantae and the Pirate"s Curse WeakGAME
Promoções (Valores em AMARELO necessitam de uma assinatura gold.). ? = Novidades
Nome Tipo Preço (Desconto)
Nome Tipo Preço (Desconto)
Última edição:
Promoções da assinatura Gamepass
79 jogo(s) e 841 DLC(s)
Para lista completa dos jogos incluidos no Gamepass CLIQUE AQUI
NomeTipoPreço (Desconto)EA Vault4KHDREnhanced
"Dawn Till Dusk" KeybladeDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
"Phantom Green" KeybladeDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
1 Blue OrbDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
1,500 KI GoldDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
100,000 Red OrbsDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
15,000 VC (NBA 2K20)DLCR$ 13,90 (10%)
150 Gold BarsDLCR$ 138,60 (10%)
18,000 KI GoldDLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
1970s Batman Themed Batmobile SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
1989 Movie Batmobile PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
1st Appearance Batman SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
200,000 VC (NBA 2K20)DLCR$ 137,20 (10%)
2008 Tumbler Batmobile PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
245 Gold BarsDLCR$ 207,00 (10%)
25 Gold BarsDLCR$ 27,90 (10%)
3 Blue OrbsDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
3,375 KI GoldDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
300 KI GoldDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
35,000 VC (NBA 2K20)DLCR$ 27,85 (10%)
350 Gold BarsDLCR$ 276,30 (10%)
450,000 VC (NBA 2K20)DLCR$ 274,45 (10%)
5 Blue OrbsDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
5,000 VC (NBA 2K20)DLCR$ 5,80 (10%)
55 Gold BarsDLCR$ 55,80 (10%)
7,500 KI GoldDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
75,000 VC (NBA 2K20)DLCR$ 53,95 (10%)
A Flip of a CoinDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
A Matter of FamilyDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
A Plague Tale: Innocence - Coats of Arms DLCDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
AAPE PackDLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - ADF-11F Raven SetDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - ADFX-01 Morgan SetDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - F-4E Phantom II + 3 SkinsDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - Unexpected VisitorDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 280,00 (20%)
ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN Season PassDLCR$ 90,00 (10%)
ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – Anchorhead RaidDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
AM MRS-4 GOLDDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
ARK: AberrationDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
ARK: AberrationDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
ARK: ExtinctionDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
ARK: ExtinctionDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
ARK: Genesis Season PassDLCR$ 116,95 (10%)
ARK: Scorched EarthDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
ARK: Scorched EarthDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Bionic Mosasaurus SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Bionic Parasaur SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Bionic Quetzal SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Bionic Raptor SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Bionic Stegosaurus SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Bionic Trike SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer"s EditionGAMER$ 199,20 (20%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer"s EditionGAMER$ 199,20 (20%)HDREnhanced
ARK: Survival Evolved Season PassDLCR$ 78,70 (10%)
ARK: Survival Evolved Season PassDLCR$ 80,10 (10%)
Aaron Griffin PackDLCR$ 49,45 (10%)
Adam-ska SpecialDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Additional Face Paint BundleDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Additional Gesture Bundle 2DLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
Additional Gesture Bundle 3DLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Additional Gesture Bundle 4DLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
Additional Gesture Bundle 5DLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
Additional Gesture Bundle 6DLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
Additional Gesture Bundle 7DLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
Additional Gesture Bundle 8DLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
Additional Sticker Set Bundle 1DLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
Additional Sticker Set Bundle 2DLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Additional Sticker Set Bundle 3DLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 177,96 (20%)4KEnhanced
Age of Wonders: Planetfall - InvasionsDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Age of Wonders: Planetfall - RevelationsDLCR$ 49,45 (10%)
Age of Wonders: Planetfall Deluxe Edition ContentDLCR$ 43,60 (10%)
Age of Wonders: Planetfall Pre-Order ContentDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Age of Wonders: Planetfall Premium EditionGAMER$ 267,96 (20%)4KEnhanced
Age of Wonders: Planetfall Season PassDLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
AlienDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Alien: Isolation - Corporate LockdownDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Alien: Isolation - Lost ContactDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Alien: Isolation - Safe HavenDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Alien: Isolation - The CollectionGAMER$ 111,20 (20%)
Alien: Isolation - The TriggerDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Alien: Isolation - TraumaDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Alien: Isolation Crew Expendable Bonus ContentDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Alien: Isolation Last Survivor Bonus ContentDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Alien: Isolation Season PassDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Alt Hero ColorsDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
Alt Heroine ColorsDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Alt Style Rank AnnouncersDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Alt Title CallsDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Animal Skin PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Animated Weapon Skin Pack 1DLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Animated Weapon Skin Pack 2DLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Animated Weapon Skin Pack 3DLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Anubis "Doggie" Cruger SPD Shadow Ranger Character UnlockDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
Apocalypse PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Audi S1 EKS RX quattroDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
BMW M1 Procar RallyDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
BW PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Bat-Family Skin PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Batman Beyond SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Batman Classic TV Series Batmobile PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Batman: Arkham CollectionGAMER$ 200,00 (20%)Enhanced
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium EditionGAMER$ 224,00 (20%)
Batman: Arkham Knight Season PassDLCR$ 90,00 (10%)
Battle & Beasts Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Bionic arm (Gold)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Bloodstained: Iga"s Back PackDLCR$ 18,40 (10%)
Bo" Rai ChoDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Brazil PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Camo PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Camouflage Rifles Skin PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Cardboard Box (All-Purpose Dryland)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Cardboard Box (Rocky Terrain)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Cardboard Box (Wetland)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Catwoman"s RevengeDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Cavaliere RDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Challenger MT700E Field ViperDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Challenger MT800E Field PythonDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Challenger MT900E AnacondaDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Character & Palico Edit Voucher: Three-Voucher PackDLCR$ 33,30 (10%)
Character Edit Voucher: Single VoucherDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
Character Edit Voucher: Three-Voucher PackDLCR$ 18,90 (10%)
Character Edit Voucher: Two-Voucher PackDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
Cities Skylines - IndustriesDLCR$ 49,45 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Cities: Skylines + Surviving MarsGAMER$ 95,20 (20%)4KEnhanced
Cities: Skylines - CampusDLCR$ 43,60 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: European SuburbiaDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: University CityDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Green CitiesDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Mass TransitDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Mayor"s EditionGAMER$ 159,20 (20%)
Cities: Skylines - Natural DisastersDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - ParklifeDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Radio Station PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Radio Station Pack 2DLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Season PassDLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Season Pass 2DLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - SnowfallDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
Cities: Skylines - Synthetic Dawn RadioDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Classics PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Colin McRae: FLAT OUT PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Colony Leader PackDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Colorful PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Colosseum PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Commander Jerome Leader PackDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Costume & Tack PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Covert Heroes Character PackDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #1DLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #2DLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #3DLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #4DLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #5DLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
DMC1 Battle Track 3-PackDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
DMC2 Battle Track 3-PackDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
DMC3 Battle Track 3-PackDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
DMC4 Battle Track 3-PackDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
Dai Shi Character UnlockDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
Damage Master OrbDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Damocles Gladiator SkinDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Dark Knight Returns Batman SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Darksiders 3 DLC BundleDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
Darksiders III - Blades & Whip EditionGAMER$ 279,20 (20%)HDREnhanced
Darksiders III - Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 239,20 (20%)HDREnhanced
DayZ LivoniaDLCR$ 47,20 (10%)
DayZ Livonia EditionGAMER$ 163,96 (20%)4K
Dead Cells: The Bad SeedDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Dead Cells: The Bad Seed BundleGAMER$ 79,96 (20%)
Dead Rising 4 - Candy Cane CrossbowDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Dead Rising 4 - Sir-Ice-A-LotDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Dead Rising 4 - SlicecycleDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Dead Rising 4 - Ugly Winter SweaterDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Dead Rising 4 - X-FistsDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Dead Rising 4 Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 143,20 (20%)HDREnhanced
Dead Rising 4 Season PassDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Dead Rising 4: Frank RisingDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Dead Rising 4: Stocking Stuffer Holiday PackDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: A Nightmare on Elm Street™ ChapterDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: AURIC CELLS PACK (1100)DLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: AURIC CELLS PACK (12500)DLCR$ 179,10 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: AURIC CELLS PACK (2250)DLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: AURIC CELLS PACK (4025)DLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: AURIC CELLS PACK (500)DLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: AURIC CELLS PACK (6000)DLCR$ 89,10 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Ash vs Evil DeadDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: CURTAIN CALL ChapterDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Chains of Hate ChapterDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Charity CaseDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Cursed Legacy ChapterDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Darkness Among UsDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Demise of the FaithfulDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Ghost Face®DLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Head CaseDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: Leatherface™DLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: SHATTERED BLOODLINE ChapterDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: STRANGER THINGS ChapterDLCR$ 40,00 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: The Halloween® 之章DLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Dead by Daylight: The SAW™ ChapterDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Deluxe AirdropDLCR$ 170,95 (10%)
Deluxe KitDLCR$ 27,90 (10%)
Deluxe Weapon Skin PackDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Devil May Cry 5 (with Red Orbs)GAMER$ 127,20 (20%)4KHDR
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition (with Red Orbs)GAMER$ 159,20 (20%)4KHDR
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe UpgradeDLCR$ 40,50 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Citroën C4 RallyDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Ford Focus RS Rally 2007DLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Ford RS200 EvolutionDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Game of the Year EditionGAMER$ 193,96 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Germany RallyDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Greece (Rally Location)DLCR$ 12,55 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Latvia RallycrossDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Monte Carlo RallyDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Peugeot 205 T16 RallycrossDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Subaru ImprezaDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Sweden RallyDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 - ŠKODA Fabia RallyDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 Deluxe Content Pack 2.0 (Seasons 3 and 4)DLCR$ 40,00 (10%)
DiRT Rally 2.0 Year One PassDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Doctor Who Skins I & II BundleDLCR$ 9,90 (10%)
Duel of Fates PackDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
EVERSPACE™ - EncountersDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Elite PackDLCR$ 17,05 (10%)
Elite StackDLCR$ 85,45 (10%)
Emblem "VENOM SNAKE"DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Encounter Master OrbDLCR$ 6,70 (10%)
Eric Myers - Time Force Quantum Ranger Character UnlockDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
Estering, Germany (Rallycross Track)DLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Expansion PassDLCR$ 114,70 (10%)
Experience Master OrbDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
FINAL FANTASY XV Season PassDLCR$ 41,40 (10%)
Face Paint: Eye ShadowDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
Face Paint: Heart ShapeDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
Face Paint: Shade PatternDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
Farming Simulator 17 - Big Bud PackDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Farming Simulator 17 - Platinum EditionGAMER$ 73,96 (20%)4KEnhanced
Farming Simulator 17 - Platinum ExpansionDLCR$ 41,40 (10%)
Farming Simulator 17 - Premium EditionGAMER$ 121,96 (20%)
Farming Simulator 17 - ROPA PACKDLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
Farming Simulator 17 - Season PassDLCR$ 125,10 (10%)
Fatigues (All-Purpose Dryland)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Fatigues (Black Ocelot)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Fatigues (Blue Urban)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Fatigues (Gray Urban)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Fatigues (Naked Snake)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Fendt 900 Black BeautyDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Festive Mash-upDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Finland (Rally Location)DLCR$ 12,55 (10%)
Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour + Quad Lake PassGAMER$ 105,60 (20%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Giant Carp PackDLCR$ 41,80 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Gigantica Road LakeDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Jezioro BestiiDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Lago del mundoDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Laguna IquitosDLCR$ 30,55 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Lake ArnoldDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Lake DylanDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Lake WilliamsDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Quad Lake PassDLCR$ 102,60 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Tackle Box Equipment PackDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Tournament Bass PackDLCR$ 41,80 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Trophy Hunter"s Equipment PackDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 61,60 (20%)HDR
Flames Skin PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Ford Fiesta RXS Evo 5DLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Ford Fiesta Rallycross (MK8)DLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Ford Fiesta Rallycross (STARD)DLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Ford Focus RS Rally 2001DLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Forza Horizon 4 Barrett-Jackson Car PackDLCR$ 23,35 (10%)
Forza Horizon 4 Best of Bond Car PackDLCR$ 25,60 (10%)
Forza Horizon 4 Car PassDLCR$ 87,70 (10%)
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 193,96 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
Forza Horizon 4 Fortune IslandDLCR$ 51,70 (10%)
Forza Horizon 4 LEGO® Speed ChampionsDLCR$ 53,95 (10%)
Forza Horizon 4 Treasure MapDLCR$ 9,85 (10%)
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Add-Ons BundleGAMER$ 161,10 (10%)Enhanced
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate EditionGAMER$ 249,96 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
Forza Horizon 4 VIPDLCR$ 51,70 (10%)
From the Shadows Skin PackDLCR$ 9,85 (10%)
GCPD LockdownDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Gears 5 Ultimate EditionGAMER$ 215,20 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
Gears of War 4 Season PassDLCR$ 139,45 (10%)
Gears of War 4 and Halo 5: Guardians BundleGAMER$ 63,20 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Deluxe VersionGAMER$ 79,20 (20%)
Gerbera GP01DLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Gesture: Air SplitsDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Cool DanceDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Devil May Cry Dual GunsDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Gesture: Disco FeverDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Feverish DanceDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Gesture: Gallivanting DanceDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Gesture: Hadoken!DLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Gesture: Hip Hop DanceDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Interpretive DanceDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Gesture: KneelDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: KowtowDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: PassionateDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Play PossumDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Pop Star DanceDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Shoryuken!DLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Gesture: SleepDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Spin-O-RamaDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Spirit FingersDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Squat DayDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Step DanceDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Gesture: Windmill WhirlwindDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Ghost Gaming Characters PackDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Goat MMO SimulatorDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Goat Simulator DLC BundleDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Goat Simulator: GoatZDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Goat Simulator: PAYDAYDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Goat Simulator: The GOATYGAMER$ 47,20 (20%)
Goat Simulator: Waste Of SpaceDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Goat Simulator: Waste Of Space BundleGAMER$ 21,60 (20%)
GoroDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Greek Mythology Mash-upDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Guacamelee! 2 - The Proving Grounds (Challenge Level)DLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Guacamelee! 2 - Three Enemigos Character PackDLCR$ 9,85 (10%)
Guacamelee! 2 CompleteGAMER$ 65,96 (20%)4K
Guardian Trials Add OnDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
H2 RWD Double PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Halloween Mash-up PackDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians - Classic Helmet REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians - HCS Luminosity REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians - HCS Splyce REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians - HCS Str8 Rippin REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians - HCS Team Liquid (TL) REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians - Voices of War REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians Greatest Hits Customization REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – 10 Gold REQ Packs + 3 FreeDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – 15 Gold REQ Packs + 5 FreeDLCR$ 80,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – 3 Gold REQ PacksDLCR$ 15,66 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – 34 Gold REQ Packs + 13 FreeDLCR$ 179,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – 5 Gold REQ PacksDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – 7 Gold REQ Packs + 2 FreeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – Arena REQ BundleDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – Digital Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 139,20 (20%)4KEnhanced
Halo 5: Guardians – Gold REQ PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – HCS Evil Geniuses (EG) REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – Mechanized Mayhem REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – Nornfang Mythic REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – Prophets’ Bane Mythic REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – SPNKr Prime Mythic REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – Silver REQ PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – Tartarus’ Gavel Mythic REQ PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Halo 5: Guardians – Warzone REQ BundleDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
Halo Wars 2 Season PassDLCR$ 89,10 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: 100 Blitz Packs + 35 FreeDLCR$ 314,10 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: 20 Blitz Packs + 3 FreeDLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: 3 Blitz PacksDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: 40 Blitz Packs + 7 FreeDLCR$ 125,10 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: 9 Blitz Packs + 1 FreeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: Awakening the NightmareDLCR$ 59,40 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: Complete EditionGAMER$ 159,20 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
Halo Wars 2: Custom WarPaintDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: Icons of WarDLCR$ 29,70 (10%)
Halo Wars 2: Serina & Spearbreaker BundleDLCR$ 29,70 (10%)
Halo: The Fall of Reach – Animated SeriesDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Harley Quinn Story PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Horde BoosterDLCR$ 3,10 (10%)
Horde Expert PackDLCR$ 9,85 (10%)
Horde StackDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Horde StockpileDLCR$ 35,05 (10%)
Horror PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Hyundai R5 Rally CarDLCR$ 4,50 (10%)
In-game Unlock BundleDLCR$ 38,70 (10%)
JUMP FORCE - Characters PassDLCR$ 108,00 (10%)
JUMP FORCE - Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 280,00 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
JUMP FORCE - Pre-Order DLC BundleDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
JUMP FORCE - Ultimate EditionGAMER$ 320,00 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
JUMP FORCE Character Pack 1: Seto KaibaDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
JUMP FORCE Character Pack 2: Biscuit KruegerDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
JUMP FORCE Character Pack 3: All MightDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
JUMP FORCE Character Pack 4: Majin Buu (Good)DLCR$ 13,41 (10%)
JUMP FORCE Character Pack 5: Katsuki BakugoDLCR$ 13,41 (10%)
JUMP FORCE Character Pack 6: Toshiro HitsugayaDLCR$ 13,41 (10%)
JUMP FORCE Character Pack 7: Madara UchihaDLCR$ 13,41 (10%)
Jason VoorheesDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Jason Voorhees BundleDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Jen Scotts - Time Force Pink Character UnlockDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
Jumpsuit (EVA)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
KINGDOM HEARTS Ⅲ Re MindDLCR$ 83,20 (10%)
Keepers Of The VoidDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
Killarney International Raceway, South Africa (Rallycross Track)DLCR$ 12,55 (10%)
Killer Instinct: Season 1 & 2 Double ComboDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - A Woman"s LotDLCR$ 20,70 (10%)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Band of BastardsDLCR$ 13,00 (10%)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - DLC CollectionDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - From the AshesDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Royal EditionGAMER$ 103,20 (20%)Enhanced
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans CaponDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Treasures of the PastDLCR$ 11,70 (10%)
Kinsano Leader PackDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Klassic Pack 1DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Klassic Pack 2DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Kold War PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Kombat PackDLCR$ 31,50 (10%)
Kombat Pack 2DLCR$ 55,80 (10%)
Kuhn Equipment PackDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Lancia 037 Evo 2DLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Lancia Delta S4 RallycrossDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
LeatherfaceDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Life is Strange 2 Mascot BundleDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Live Action CutscenesDLCR$ 11,70 (10%)
Lock and Load Weapons PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Lord Zedd Character UnlockDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
Lydden Hill, UK (Rallycross Track)DLCR$ 12,55 (10%)
MG Metro 6R4 RallycrossDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
MHW:I Gesture Pack: Clean Dance SetDLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
MHW:I Gesture Pack: Swag Dance SetDLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
MHW:I Monster Figure: NergiganteDLCR$ 9,90 (10%)
MHW:I Room Decor: Cute Decor SetDLCR$ 33,30 (10%)
MHW:I Room Decor: Intimate Decor SetDLCR$ 33,30 (10%)
MLG PackDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: AvalancheDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Blood DriveDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: CanalsDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: CheckoutDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: ClocktowerDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: DawnDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: DinerDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: DrydockDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Forge BlitzDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Fuel DepotDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: GloryDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Harbor HazeDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: HotelDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Impact DarkDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Lift ApexDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: MercyDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Old TownDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Raven DownDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Reclaimed WindflareDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: Rust LungDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: SecurityDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: SlabDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: SpeyerDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Map: War MachineDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Marble Nest DLCDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Mars" Chosen PackDLCR$ 15,66 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Arthur Fallen Angel Armor CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Avenging Army Costume PackDLCR$ 32,80 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Black PantherDLCR$ 22,45 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Black WidowDLCR$ 22,45 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Captain Marvel Warbird CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Chris Classic CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Chun-Li Casual CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Command Mission X CostumeDLCR$ 8,50 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Cosmic Crusaders Costume PackDLCR$ 32,80 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Dante Nephilim CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 177,96 (20%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Dormammu Molten CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Evil Ryu CostumeDLCR$ 8,50 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Firebrand Ultimate CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Frank West Proto Man CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Gamora Classic CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Ghost Rider Outlaw CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Gladiator Hulk CostumeDLCR$ 8,50 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Haggar Metro City Mayor CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Jedah Makai Messiah CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Joe Fixit CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Monster HunterDLCR$ 22,45 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Morrigan Night Warrior CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Mystic Masters Costume PackDLCR$ 32,80 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Nemesis Tyrant CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Ryu Wanderer CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - SigmaDLCR$ 22,45 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Space Suit CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Special X CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Special Zero CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Spencer Gottfried CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Stone Seekers Costume PackDLCR$ 32,80 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Strider Hien CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Superior Iron Man CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Superior Spider-Man CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Thanos Annihilation CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Ultimate Hawkeye CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Ultimate Thor CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Ultron Conquest CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - VenomDLCR$ 22,45 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Warrior Thor CostumeDLCR$ 8,50 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Winter SoldierDLCR$ 22,45 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - World Warriors Costume PackDLCR$ 32,80 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite -Nova Prime CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Character PassDLCR$ 80,95 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Premium Costume PassDLCR$ 80,95 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite- Captain America Gladiator CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite- Doctor Strange Illuminati CostumeDLCR$ 12,10 (10%)
Maschinen Taktische Pistole 5 WeissDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Material PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Mega BusterDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Metal Gear Rex HelmetDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Metal PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Metro Exodus - Sam"s StoryDLCR$ 58,45 (10%)
Metro Exodus - The Two ColonelsDLCR$ 22,45 (10%)
Metro Exodus Expansion PassDLCR$ 69,70 (10%)
Metro Exodus Gold EditionGAMER$ 187,96 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
Metro Redux BundleGAMER$ 47,20 (20%)
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ Definitive EditionGAMER$ 155,96 (20%)HDREnhanced
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ Story Expansion PassDLCR$ 69,70 (10%)
Minecraft Adventure Time Mash-upDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Minecraft Battle & Beasts 2 Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Battle Map Pack 1DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Battle Map Pack 2DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Battle Map Pack 3DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Battle Map Pack 4DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Battle Map Pack Season PassDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Minecraft Biome Settlers Skin Pack 1DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Biome Settlers Skin Pack 2DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Builder’s PackDLCR$ 29,70 (10%)
Minecraft Campfire Tales Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Candy Texture PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Minecraft Cartoon Texture PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Minecraft Chinese Mythology Mash-UpDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Minecraft City Texture PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Minecraft Doctor Who Skins Volume IDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Doctor Who Skins Volume IIDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Egyptian Mythology Mash-upDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Minecraft FINAL FANTASY XV Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Fallout Battle Map PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Fallout Mash-upDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Minecraft Fantasy Texture PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Minecraft Festive Battle MapDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Minecraft Festive Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Glide Beasts Track PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Glide Giants Track PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Glide Myths Track PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Glide Track Pack Season PassDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Minecraft Halloween Battle MapDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Minecraft Halo Mash-upDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Minecraft Magic: The Gathering Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Mass Effect Mash-upDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Minecraft Merry BundleDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Minecraft Mini Game Heroes Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Mini Game Masters Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Moana Character PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Natural Texture PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Minecraft Norse Mythology Mash-upDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Minecraft Pattern Texture PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Minecraft Plastic Texture PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Minecraft Redstone Specialists Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Skin Pack 1DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Skin Pack 2DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Spooky BundleDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Minecraft Star Wars Sequel Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Star Wars Skin Packs BundleDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Minecraft Story Mode Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Stranger Things Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Strangers - Biome Settlers 3 Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft The Incredibles Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Minecraft Villains Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Mini Cooper SX1DLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Mix PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Monster Hunter World: IceborneDLCR$ 109,80 (10%)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Deluxe KitDLCR$ 41,40 (10%)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital DeluxeDLCR$ 137,70 (10%)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master EditionGAMER$ 199,20 (20%)HDR
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital DeluxeGAMER$ 232,80 (20%)HDR
Monster Hunter: World - Complete Gesture PackDLCR$ 69,30 (10%)
Monster Hunter: World - Complete Handler Costume PackDLCR$ 41,40 (10%)
Monster Hunter: World - Complete Sticker PackDLCR$ 27,90 (10%)
Moonlighter - Between Dimensions DLCDLCR$ 23,35 (10%)
Moonlighter: Complete EditionGAMER$ 80,95 (10%)
Morituri PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Mortal Kombat XLGAMER$ 96,00 (20%)
Mother Base Staff 3DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Mother Base Staff 4DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Moving Out - The Employees of the Month PackDLCR$ 5,80 (10%)
MudRunner - American Wilds EditionGAMER$ 115,20 (20%)4KEnhanced
MudRunner - American Wilds ExpansionDLCR$ 27,90 (10%)
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 91,96 (20%)
Mutant Year Zero: Seed of EvilDLCR$ 35,05 (10%)
My Time at Portia – Housewarming Gift SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
NBA 2K20 Digital DeluxeGAMER$ 265,96 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
NBA 2K20 Legend EditionGAMER$ 333,96 (20%)Enhanced
NTBSS: Master Character Pain Early UnlockDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - Hashirama SenjuDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - Hiruzen SarutobiDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - JiraiyaDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - Madara UchihaDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - Minato NamikazeDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - Obito UchihaDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - OrochimaruDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - Tobirama SenjuDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack - TsunadeDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
NTBSS: Seventh Hokage Costume (Gender-Neutral)DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
NTBSS: Shinobi Strikers Coat: Black (Gender-Neutral)DLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
NTBSS: Shinobi Strikers Coat: White (Gender-Neutral)DLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Neon Chrome - ArenaDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Neon Chrome DeluxeGAMER$ 26,40 (20%)4KEnhanced
Omen Color PackDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
One Time Special Offer: 25 Gold BarsDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
OpTic Characters PackDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Opel Kadett C GT/EDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
Opel Manta 400DLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
Operation 1 BundleDLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
Operation Free-For-All BundleDLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
Operation: SpearbreakerDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Operations PackDLCR$ 6,70 (10%)
Operations StackDLCR$ 25,60 (10%)
Operations StockpileDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Organic PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Original Arkham BatmobileDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Outlaw Tribe Nemesis ExpansionDLCR$ 40,00 (10%)
Overcooked! 2 - Campfire Cook OffDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Overcooked! 2 - Carnival of ChaosDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Overcooked! 2 - Night of the Hangry HordeDLCR$ 30,10 (10%)
Overcooked! 2 - Season PassDLCR$ 29,70 (10%)
Overcooked! 2 - Surf "n" TurfDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Overcooked! 2 - Too Many Cooks PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - Butcher"s Mod PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - GOAT Simulator HeistsDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - Gage Russian Weapons PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - Gage Spec Ops PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - John Wick HeistsDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - John Wick Weapon PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - Scarface Character PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - Scarface HeistDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - Sydney Character PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Alesso HeistDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Biker Character PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Biker HeistDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Butcher"s BBQ PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Butcher"s Western PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Gage Chivalry PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Gage Ninja PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Golden Grin Casino HeistDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Master PlanDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Most Wanted DLC BundleDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Point Break HeistsDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Sokol Character PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Wolf PackDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - The Yakuza Character PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
PUBG - 1100 G-CoinDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
PUBG - 13500 G-CoinDLCR$ 350,10 (10%)
PUBG - 2300 G-CoinDLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
PUBG - 500 G-CoinDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
PUBG - 6000 G-CoinDLCR$ 161,10 (10%)
Pacote de Expansões do Forza Horizon 4GAMER$ 112,45 (10%)Enhanced
Parade TackDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Pasta BreakerDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Pathologic 2 + Marble Nest DLC BundleGAMER$ 117,96 (20%)
Personal Ballistic Shield (Gold)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Personal Ballistic Shield (Olive Drab)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Personal Ballistic Shield (Silver)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Personal Ballistic Shield (White)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Peugeot 206 RallyDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Peugeot 208 WRXDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Peugeot 306 MaxiDLCR$ 4,90 (10%)
Pink and Purple PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Pirates of the Caribbean MashupDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
Porsche 911 RGT Rally SpecDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
Porsche 911 SC RSDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Digital Collector"s EditionGAMER$ 117,96 (20%)
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Season One PassDLCR$ 49,45 (10%)
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Season Two PassDLCR$ 49,45 (10%)
Praetorian Gladiator SkinDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
PredatorDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Predator BundleDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Predator/Prey PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Prototype Batmobile SkinDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
RAGE 2: Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 215,20 (20%)Enhanced
Rasp Short-Barreled ShotgunDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Red Dead Redemption 2: Special EditionGAMER$ 239,20 (20%)
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate EditionGAMER$ 279,20 (20%)
Red Hood Story PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Renault Clio R.S. RXDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Renault Megane R.S. RXDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Riddler Themed Batmobile SkinDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Robin and Batmobile Skins PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Run The Jewels AirdropDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Ryse: Legendary EditionGAMER$ 159,20 (20%)
Ryse: Son of Rome Season PassDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
SUBARU Impreza (2001)DLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - Ambush of the ImpostersDLCR$ 36,00 (10%)
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - Betrayal of ComradesDLCR$ 36,00 (10%)
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - Collapse of BalanceDLCR$ 36,00 (10%)
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete EditionGAMER$ 224,00 (20%)Enhanced
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete UpgradeDLCR$ 144,00 (10%)
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Dissonance of the NexusDLCR$ 72,00 (10%)
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET SAO Costume and Weapon PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Samurai PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Season of Infamy: Most Wanted ExpansionDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Seat Ibiza KitcarDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Seat Ibiza RXDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Sergeant Johnson Leader PackDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Serina Leader PackDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Silent Warfare Weapons PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Skin Pack 3DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Skin Pack 4DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Skin Pack 5DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Skin Pack 6DLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Skyrim Mash-upDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Slaughter Tribe Nemesis ExpansionDLCR$ 40,00 (10%)
Sneaking Suit (Naked Snake)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Sneaking Suit (The Boss)DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Sniper Elite 4 - Allied Forces Rifle PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Sniper Elite 4 - Cold Warfare Winter Expansion PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Sniper Elite 4 - Death Storm Part 3: ObliterationDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Sniper Elite 4 - Deathstorm Part 1: InceptionDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Sniper Elite 4 - Deathstorm Part 2: InfiltrationDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Sniper Elite 4 - Night Fighter Expansion PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Sniper Elite 4 - Urban Assault Expansion PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 208,00 (20%)
Sniper Elite 4 Season PassDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
Solo: A Star Wars Story PackDLCR$ 9,85 (10%)
Star Wars Classic Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Star Wars Prequel Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Star Wars Rebels Skin PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Starter AirdropDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Starter Car UpgradeDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
State of Decay: Breakdown Year-OneDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
State of Decay: Lifeline Year-OneDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
State of Decay: YOSE Bonus Gurubani KaurDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
State of Decay: YOSE Prepper"s PackDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
State of Decay: Year-One Survival EditionGAMER$ 79,20 (20%)
Steampunk Texture PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Stellaris: Console Edition - Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 95,20 (20%)
Stellaris: Console Edition - Expansion Pass OneDLCR$ 44,10 (10%)
Stellaris: Leviathans Story PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Stellaris: Plantoids Species PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Stellaris: UtopiaDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Steven Universe MashupDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
Sticker Set: Celestial Pursuit GirlsDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Classic Monsters SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Devil May Cry SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Endemic Life SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Guild Lasses SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Mega Man SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Monsters of the New WorldDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Poogie SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Research Commission SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sticker Set: Street Fighter V SetDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 119,20 (20%)
Sunset Overdrive Season PassDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Sunset Overdrive Weapon PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Sunset Overdrive and Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen MachinesDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Sunset Overdrive and the Mystery of the Mooil Rig!DLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Super Character 3-PackDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Super Cute Texture PackDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Super Lucky"s Tale - Gilly Island Add onDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini GolfDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Surviving Mars - Deluxe Upgrade PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 63,20 (20%)4KEnhanced
Surviving Mars - First Colony EditionGAMER$ 103,20 (20%)4KEnhanced
Surviving Mars - Season PassDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
Surviving Mars - Space RaceDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
Surviving Mars - Stellaris Dome SetDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Surviving Mars: Colony Design SetDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Surviving Mars: Green PlanetDLCR$ 67,45 (10%)
Surviving Mars: Green Planet PlusDLCR$ 80,95 (10%)
Surviving Mars: Marsvision Song ContestDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Surviving Mars: Project LaikaDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
Surviving Mars: Space Race PlusDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Sweet SurrenderDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - DLC2: Geese Howard PackDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - DLC3: Noctis Lucis Caelum PackDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - DLC4: Anna WilliamsDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - DLC5: Lei WulongDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - DLC6: Craig MardukDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - DLC7: Armor KingDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - DLC8: Julia ChangDLCR$ 22,50 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - DLC9: NeganDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - ElizaDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - Season PassDLCR$ 90,00 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - Season Pass 2DLCR$ 90,00 (10%)
TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate EditionGAMER$ 320,00 (20%)
TEKKEN 7 – DLC1: Ultimate TEKKEN BOWL & Additional CostumesDLCR$ 45,00 (10%)
TanyaDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Tanya BundleDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Target FührerDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Taunt TrioDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Team Booster PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Team Elevate S2 Supporter PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Team Fable S2 Supporter PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Team Fire N Ice S2 Supporter PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Team Ghost Gaming S2 Supporter PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Team OpTic S2 Supporter PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Team Rise Weapons PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Team Spacestation S2 Supporter PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Team World Best S2 Supporter PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
Terminator Dark Fate Pack – Grace and Rev-9DLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
Terminator Dark Fate Pack – Sarah Connor and T-800DLCR$ 71,10 (10%)
The Arbiter Leader PackDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
The Blade of Galadriel Story ExpansionDLCR$ 40,00 (10%)
The CrucibleDLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
The Desolation of Mordor Story ExpansionDLCR$ 53,95 (10%)
The Elder Scrolls Online: 14000 CrownsDLCR$ 297,00 (10%)
The Elder Scrolls Online: 1500 CrownsDLCR$ 45,00 (10%)
The Elder Scrolls Online: 21000 CrownsDLCR$ 450,00 (10%)
The Elder Scrolls Online: 3000 CrownsDLCR$ 75,60 (10%)
The Elder Scrolls Online: 5500 CrownsDLCR$ 117,00 (10%)
The Elder Scrolls Online: 750 CrownsDLCR$ 24,30 (10%)
The Elder Scrolls Online: GreymoorGAMER$ 183,96 (20%)4KHDR
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Collector"s Ed. UpgradeDLCR$ 170,95 (10%)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Collector"s EditionGAMER$ 243,96 (20%)4KHDR
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor UpgradeDLCR$ 139,45 (10%)
The Escapists 2 - Big Top BreakoutDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
The Escapists 2 - Dungeons and Duct TapeDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
The Escapists 2 - Game of the Year EditionGAMER$ 55,96 (20%)
The Escapists 2 - The Glorious RegimeDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
The Escapists 2 - Wicked WardDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
The Escapists 2 Season PassDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
The Handler"s Astera 3 Star Chef CoatDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
The Handler"s Busy Bee DressDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
The Handler"s Chun-Li CostumeDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
The Handler"s Friendly Felyne CostumeDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
The Handler"s Guildmarm CostumeDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
The Handler"s Mischievous DressDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
The Handler"s Sunshine PareoDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
The Handler"s Tyrant CostumeDLCR$ 9,90 (10%)
The Handler"s Winter Spirit CoatDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
The Nightmare Before ChristmasDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
The Surge 2 - Jericho’s Legacy Gear PackDLCR$ 10,75 (10%)
The Surge 2 - Premium EditionGAMER$ 183,96 (20%)HDR
The Surge 2 - Public Enemy Weapon PackDLCR$ 10,75 (10%)
The Surge 2 - Season PassDLCR$ 56,20 (10%)
The Surge 2 - The Kraken ExpansionDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
The Surge 2 - URBN Gear PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
The Witcher 3: Hearts of StoneDLCR$ 25,20 (10%)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion PassDLCR$ 58,50 (10%)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and WineDLCR$ 50,40 (10%)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year EditionGAMER$ 152,00 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
Ticket to Ride - EuropeDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - First Class PackDLCR$ 83,20 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - FranceDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - GermanyDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - IndiaDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - Legendary AsiaDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - PennsylvaniaDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - SwitzerlandDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - USA 1910DLCR$ 6,70 (10%)
Ticket to Ride - United KingdomDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Tommy Oliver MMPR White SkinDLCR$ 6,70 (10%)
Tractor Pack DLCDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Train Sim World: Amtrak SW1000R Loco Add-OnDLCR$ 78,70 (10%)
Train Sim World: BR Heavy Freight Pack Loco Add-OnDLCR$ 78,70 (10%)
Train Sim World: DB BR 182 Loco Add-OnDLCR$ 56,20 (10%)
Train Sim World: Tees Valley Line: Darlington – SaltburnDLCR$ 83,20 (10%)
Train Sim World® 2020 Collector"s EditionGAMER$ 167,96 (20%)
Train Sim World® 2020 Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 123,96 (20%)
Train Sim World®: BR Class 31DLCR$ 78,70 (10%)
Train Sim World®: BR Class 33DLCR$ 63,90 (10%)
Train Sim World®: CSX GP40-2DLCR$ 56,20 (10%)
Train Sim World®: Caltrain MP36PH-3C ‘Baby Bullet’DLCR$ 78,70 (10%)
Train Sim World®: Canadian National Oakville SubdivisionDLCR$ 112,45 (10%)
Train Sim World®: East CoastwayDLCR$ 116,95 (10%)
Train Sim World®: Northeast Corridor New YorkDLCR$ 116,95 (10%)
Train Sim World®: Peninsula Corridor: San Francisco - San JoseDLCR$ 116,95 (10%)
Train Sim World®: Rapid TransitDLCR$ 116,95 (10%)
Train Sim World®: Rhein-Ruhr Osten: Wuppertal - HagenDLCR$ 116,95 (10%)
TremorDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Tremor BundleDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Trey of Triforia - Zeo Gold Character UnlockDLCR$ 20,20 (10%)
TriborgDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
TuxedoDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Ultimate AirdropDLCR$ 278,95 (10%)
Ultimate Shadow Jago PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Unlock All Krypt ContentDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
V & Vergil Alt ColorsDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
Valtra T-Series COWDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Versus BoosterDLCR$ 3,10 (10%)
Versus StackDLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
Versus StockpileDLCR$ 35,05 (10%)
Volkswagen Golf KitcarDLCR$ 4,45 (10%)
Wales (Rally Location)DLCR$ 13,45 (10%)
WayneTech Track PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
We Happy Few - LightbearerDLCR$ 20,70 (10%)
We Happy Few - LightbearerDLCR$ 20,70 (10%)
We Happy Few - Roger & James in They Came From BelowDLCR$ 20,70 (10%)
We Happy Few - They Came From BelowDLCR$ 20,70 (10%)
We Happy Few - We All Fall DownDLCR$ 20,70 (10%)
We Happy Few Digital DeluxeGAMER$ 245,60 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
We Happy Few Season PassDLCR$ 55,80 (10%)
We Happy Few Season PassDLCR$ 55,80 (10%)
Weapon: Blazefire Saber (FFXIII)DLCR$ 0,90 (10%)
Western TackDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Windurger S333 CombatSpecialDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 124,00 (20%)4KEnhanced
World War Z - Biohazard Weapon PackDLCR$ 16,60 (10%)
World War Z - Game of the Year EditionGAMER$ 147,96 (20%)4KEnhanced
World War Z - Lobo Weapon PackDLCR$ 8,10 (10%)
World War Z - Season PassDLCR$ 101,20 (10%)
World War Z - Special Operations Forces PackDLCR$ 23,35 (10%)
World War Z – Last Aid PackDLCR$ 23,35 (10%)
World War Z – Marseille Episode DLCDLCR$ 49,45 (10%)
World War Z – The Professionals PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
World War Z – War Heroes PackDLCR$ 33,25 (10%)
XL PackDLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
YapYap THE DESTROYER Leader PackDLCR$ 18,00 (10%)
Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi (Rallycross Track)DLCR$ 12,55 (10%)
Zoo PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
eFootball PES 2020 LEGEND EDITIONGAMER$ 135,92 (20%)4KHDREnhanced
theHunter: Call of the Wild™ - Saseka Safari Trophy LodgeDLCR$ 7,15 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - 2019 EditionGAMER$ 71,20 (20%)Enhanced
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Duck and Cover PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - High-Tech Hunting PackDLCR$ 7,15 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Medved-TaigaDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Parque FernandoDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Reserve BundleGAMER$ 79,20 (20%)Enhanced
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Treestand & Tripod PackDLCR$ 7,60 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Trophy Lodge Spring Creek ManorDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Vurhonga SavannaDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Weapon Pack 1DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Weapon Pack 2DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Wild Goose Chase GearDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Yukon ValleyDLCR$ 14,35 (10%)
Última edição:
Promoções da assinatura EA Access
30 jogo(s) e 385 DLC(s)
Para lista completa dos jogos no EA Vault CLIQUE AQUI
NomeTipoPreço (Desconto)Gamepass4KHDREnhanced
1,050 FIFA 16 PointsDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
1,050 PointsDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
1,600 FIFA 16 PointsDLCR$ 40,50 (10%)
100 FIFA 16 PointsDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
100 FIFA 17 Points PackDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
100 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 2,70 (10%)
100 NBA POINTSDLCR$ 4,50 (10%)
100 NBA PointsDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
100 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
100 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 4,50 (10%)
100 NHL® Points PackDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
100 PointsDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
1050 FIFA 17 Points PackDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
1050 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
1050 Madden NFL 17 PointsDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
1050 Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team PointsDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
1050 Mass Effect™: Andromeda PointsDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
1050 NBA POINTSDLCR$ 39,60 (10%)
1050 NBA PointsDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
1050 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
1050 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 39,60 (10%)
1050 NHL® Points PackDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
12,000 FIFA 16 PointsDLCR$ 270,00 (10%)
12,000 PointsDLCR$ 270,00 (10%)
12000 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 306,00 (10%)
12000 Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team PointsDLCR$ 306,00 (10%)
12000 Mass Effect™: Andromeda PointsDLCR$ 306,00 (10%)
12000 NBA POINTSDLCR$ 350,10 (10%)
12000 NBA PointsDLCR$ 270,00 (10%)
12000 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 306,00 (10%)
12000 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 350,10 (10%)
150 Madden NFL 17 PointsDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
150 Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team PointsDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
150 NBA PointsDLCR$ 4,50 (10%)
150 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
150 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
150 NHL® Points PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
150 PointsDLCR$ 4,50 (10%)
1600 FIFA 17 Points PackDLCR$ 39,60 (10%)
1600 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 45,00 (10%)
2,200 FIFA 16 PointsDLCR$ 54,00 (10%)
2,200 PointsDLCR$ 54,00 (10%)
2150 Mass Effect™: Andromeda PointsDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
2200 FIFA 17 Points PackDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
2200 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
2200 Madden NFL 17 PointsDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
2200 Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team PointsDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
2200 NBA POINTSDLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
2200 NBA PointsDLCR$ 54,00 (10%)
2200 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
2200 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
2200 NHL® Points PackDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
250 FIFA 16 PointsDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
250 FIFA 17 Points PackDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
250 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
250 NBA PointsDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
250 PointsDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
2800 Madden NFL 17 PointsDLCR$ 67,50 (10%)
2800 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
2800 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 94,50 (10%)
2800 NHL® Points PackDLCR$ 67,50 (10%)
3250 Mass Effect™: Andromeda PointsDLCR$ 90,90 (10%)
4,600 FIFA 16 PointsDLCR$ 108,00 (10%)
4600 FIFA 17 Points PackDLCR$ 106,20 (10%)
4600 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 121,50 (10%)
5,850 PointsDLCR$ 135,00 (10%)
500 FIFA 17 Points PackDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
500 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
500 Madden NFL 17 PointsDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
500 Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team PointsDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
500 Mass Effect™: Andromeda PointsDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
500 NBA POINTSDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
500 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
500 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
500 NHL® Points PackDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
5750 Mass Effect™: Andromeda PointsDLCR$ 153,00 (10%)
5850 Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team PointsDLCR$ 153,00 (10%)
5850 NBA POINTSDLCR$ 188,10 (10%)
5850 NBA PointsDLCR$ 135,00 (10%)
5850 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 153,00 (10%)
5850 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 188,10 (10%)
750 FIFA 16 PointsDLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
750 FIFA 18 Points PackDLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
8,900 PointsDLCR$ 202,50 (10%)
8900 Madden NFL 17 PointsDLCR$ 199,80 (10%)
8900 Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team PointsDLCR$ 229,50 (10%)
8900 NBA PointsDLCR$ 202,50 (10%)
8900 NHL® 18 Points PackDLCR$ 229,50 (10%)
8900 NHL® 19 Points PackDLCR$ 280,80 (10%)
8900 NHL® Points PackDLCR$ 199,80 (10%)
Anthem™ 1050 Shards PackDLCR$ 39,60 (10%)
Anthem™ 2200 Shards PackDLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
Anthem™ 500 Shards PackDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
Anthem™ Legion of Dawn Edition UpgradeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Anthem™: Legion of Dawn EditionGAMER$ 251,10 (10%)4KHDREnhanced
Apex Legends™ – 1,000 Apex CoinsDLCR$ 39,60 (10%)
Apex Legends™ – 10,000 (+1500 Bonus) Apex CoinsDLCR$ 350,10 (10%)
Apex Legends™ – 2,000 (+150 Bonus) Apex CoinsDLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
Apex Legends™ – 6,000 (+700 Bonus) Apex CoinsDLCR$ 224,10 (10%)
BATTLEFIELD V and EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 BundleGAMER$ 215,10 (10%)
Battlefield 4™ Air Vehicle Shortcut KitDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Battlefield 4™ Carbine Shortcut KitDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Battlefield 4™ Engineer Shortcut KitDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Battlefield 4™ Grenade Shortcut KitDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Battlefield 4™ Ground & Sea Vehicle Shortcut KitDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
Battlefield 4™ Handgun Shortcut KitDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Battlefield 4™ Shotgun Shortcut KitDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Battlefield 4™ Soldier Shortcut BundleDLCR$ 44,10 (10%)
Battlefield V Starter PackDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 & Titanfall™ 2 Ultimate BundleGAMER$ 215,10 (10%)4KEnhanced
Battlefield™ 1 ApocalypseDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 BattlepackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 10DLCR$ 29,70 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 20DLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 3DLCR$ 9,90 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 5DLCR$ 15,66 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Heroes of the Great War BundleDLCR$ 44,10 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 In the Name of the TsarDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Assault BundleDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Infantry BundleDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Medic BundleDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Scout BundleDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Support BundleDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Ultimate BundleDLCR$ 108,00 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Vehicle BundleDLCR$ 40,50 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 They Shall Not PassDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Battlefield™ 1 Turning TidesDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Battlefield™ V - Battlefield Currency 1050DLCR$ 39,60 (10%)
Battlefield™ V - Battlefield Currency 2200DLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
Battlefield™ V - Battlefield Currency 500DLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
Battlefield™ V - Battlefield Currency 6000DLCR$ 188,10 (10%)
Battlefield™ V Standard EditionGAMER$ 179,10 (10%)4KHDR
Battlefield™ V Year 2 EditionGAMER$ 215,10 (10%)4KHDR
Dragon Age™ Multiplayer 1025 PlatinumDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Dragon Age™ Multiplayer 11500 PlatinumDLCR$ 179,10 (10%)
Dragon Age™ Multiplayer 2150 PlatinumDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Dragon Age™ Multiplayer 300 PlatinumDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Dragon Age™ Multiplayer 3300 PlatinumDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Dragon Age™: Inquisition - Jaws of HakkonDLCR$ 45,00 (10%)
Dragon Age™: Inquisition - Spoils of the AvvarDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Dragon Age™: Inquisition - Spoils of the QunariDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Dragon Age™: Inquisition - The DescentDLCR$ 45,00 (10%)
Dragon Age™: Inquisition - TrespasserDLCR$ 45,00 (10%)
Dragon Age™: Inquisition Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 117,00 (10%)
Dragon Age™: Inquisition Deluxe Edition UpgradeDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
EA SPORTS UFC 2 Bruce Lee - LightweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ FIFA 20 Champions EditionGAMER$ 287,10 (10%)4KHDR
EA SPORTS™ FIFA 20 Ultimate EditionGAMER$ 350,10 (10%)4KHDR
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 "Iron" Mike Tyson - HeavyweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 "Iron" Mike Tyson - Light HeavyweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 "Iron" and "Legacy" Mike Tyson BundleDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 "Legacy" Mike Tyson - HeavyweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 "Legacy" Mike Tyson - Light HeavyweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - 100 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - 1050 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - 12000 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 270,00 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - 1600 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 40,50 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - 2200 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 54,00 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - 250 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - 4600 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 108,00 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - 750 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 Bas Rutten - HeavyweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 Bas Rutten - Light HeavyweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 Bas Rutten BundleDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 180,00 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 Kazushi Sakuraba - HeavyweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 Kazushi Sakuraba - Light HeavyweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 Kazushi Sakuraba - MiddleweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 100 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 1050 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 12000 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 306,00 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 1600 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 45,00 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 2200 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 250 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 4600 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 121,50 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 500 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - 750 UFC POINTSDLCR$ 21,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - Bruce Lee BantamweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - Bruce Lee BundleDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - Bruce Lee FeatherweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - Bruce Lee LightweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 - Bruce Lee WelterweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 179,10 (10%)Enhanced
EA SPORTS™ UFC® Bruce Lee - BantamweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® Bruce Lee - FeatherweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® Bruce Lee - WelterweightDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
EA SPORTS™ UFC® Bruce Lee BundleDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
FIFA Points 1,050DLCR$ 39,60 (10%)
FIFA Points 1,600DLCR$ 57,60 (10%)
FIFA Points 100DLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
FIFA Points 100DLCR$ 4,50 (10%)
FIFA Points 100DLCR$ 4,50 (10%)
FIFA Points 1050DLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 1050DLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 12,000DLCR$ 350,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 12000DLCR$ 359,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 12000DLCR$ 179,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 1575DLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 1600DLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 2,200DLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
FIFA Points 2200DLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 250DLCR$ 9,90 (10%)
FIFA Points 250DLCR$ 9,90 (10%)
FIFA Points 250DLCR$ 4,50 (10%)
FIFA Points 500DLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
FIFA Points 500DLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
FIFA Points 500DLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
FIFA Points 750DLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
FIFA Points 750DLCR$ 29,70 (10%)
FIFA Points 750DLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
FIFA The Journey TrilogyGAMER$ 215,10 (10%)4KHDREnhanced
Fortune Valley Map ShortcutsDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Gear ShortcutDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Infiniti Q60 SDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Jimmy Lightning Master PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
MINI John Cooper Works CountrymanDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Madden NFL 17 14 Pro Pack BundleDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Madden NFL 17 7 Pro Pack BundleDLCR$ 26,10 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Legends UpgradeDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team 1050 Points PackDLCR$ 39,60 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team 12000 Points PackDLCR$ 350,10 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team 150 Points PackDLCR$ 6,30 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team 2200 Points PackDLCR$ 76,50 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team 500 Points PackDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team 5850 Points PackDLCR$ 188,10 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team 8900 Points PackDLCR$ 280,80 (10%)
Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team Starter PackDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
Madden NFL 20 Ultimate Superstar EditionGAMER$ 350,10 (10%)4KHDREnhanced
Madden NFL 20: Madden Ultimate Team Starter PackDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
Madden NFL 20: Superstar EditionGAMER$ 287,10 (10%)4KHDREnhanced
Mass Effect™: Andromeda - Asari Adept Multiplayer Recruit PackDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Mass Effect™: Andromeda - Krogan Vanguard Multiplayer Recruit PackDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Mass Effect™: Andromeda - Salarian Infiltrator Multiplayer Recruit PackDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Mass Effect™: Andromeda - Turian Soldier Multiplayer Recruit PackDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Mass Effect™: Andromeda Deluxe UpgradeDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Mass Effect™: Andromeda – Standard Recruit EditionGAMER$ 62,10 (10%)HDR
Mirror"s Edge™ Catalyst Runner Kit BundleDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
NFS Payback 1050 Speed PointsDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
NFS Payback 2200 Speed PointsDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
NFS Payback 250 Speed PointsDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
NFS Payback 4600 Speed PointsDLCR$ 121,50 (10%)
NFS Payback 500 Speed PointsDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
NFS Payback 5850 Speed PointsDLCR$ 153,00 (10%)
NHL® 20 Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 251,10 (10%)4K
NHL® 20 Ultimate EditionGAMER$ 287,10 (10%)4K
Need for Speed™ Deluxe BundleGAMER$ 94,50 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 94,50 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Deluxe UpgradeDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Need for Speed™ HeatGAMER$ 215,10 (10%)4KHDREnhanced
Need for Speed™ Heat - McLaren F1 Black Market DeliveryDLCR$ 19,80 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Heat Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 251,10 (10%)4KHDR
Need for Speed™ Heat Deluxe Edition UpgradeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback - Deluxe Edition UpgradeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: Alfa Romeo QuadrifoglioDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: All DLC cars bundleDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: Aston Martin DB5 SuperbuildDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: Chevrolet Colorado ZR2DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: Chevrolet Colorado ZR2, Range Rover Sport SVR & Alfa Romeo Quadrifoglio BundleDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: MINI John Cooper Works Countryman & Infiniti Q60 S BundleDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: Pontiac Firebird & Aston Martin DB5 Superbuild BundleDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: Pontiac Firebird SuperbuildDLCR$ 13,50 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: Range Rover Sport SVRDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Payback: Speedcross Story BundleDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Complete Movie PackDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Concept Lamborghini Complete PackDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Concept Lamborghini CopsDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Concept Lamborghini RacersDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Ferrari Edizioni Speciali Complete PackDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Ferrari Edizioni Speciali CopsDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Ferrari Edizioni Speciali RacersDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Loaded Garage PackDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Movie Pack - CopsDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Movie Pack - RacersDLCR$ 9,00 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Simply Jaguar Complete PackDLCR$ 10,80 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Simply Jaguar CopsDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Simply Jaguar RacersDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals Timesaver PackDLCR$ 17,10 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete EditionGAMER$ 144,00 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete Edition Bundle PackDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Need for Speed™ Ultimate BundleGAMER$ 305,10 (10%)Enhanced
Peggle 2 - Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare Costume PackDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Peggle 2 - Shiver Me Timbers Costume PackDLCR$ 1,80 (10%)
Peggle 2 Magical Masters EditionGAMER$ 26,10 (10%)
Peggle 2 Windy the Fairy Master PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™ Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 179,10 (10%)4KHDR
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™ Deluxe UpgradeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™ Season’s Eatingz UpgradeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ GW 2 - Hot Summer Nights UpgradeDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 - After-Party UpgradeDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 - Crazy Dave"s Frozen UpgradeDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 - Dr. Zomboss" Frozen UpgradeDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 - Festive Edition UpgradeDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 - Party UpgradeDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 Midnight Snack UpgradeDLCR$ 29,70 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 No-Brainerz UpgradeDLCR$ 57,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 Rux Bling Bundle 1DLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 Rux Bling Bundle 2DLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 Rux Bling Bundle 3DLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2 Super Fertilizer UpgradeDLCR$ 57,60 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2: 280,000 Incredi-coins PackDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe UpgradeDLCR$ 27,00 (10%)
PopCap BundleGAMER$ 180,00 (10%)
PvZ GW2: 630,000 Epic Coins PackDLCR$ 54,00 (10%)
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™GAMER$ 215,10 (10%)HDREnhanced
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ Deluxe EditionGAMER$ 251,10 (10%)HDREnhanced
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ Deluxe UpgradeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Deluxe Edition ContentDLCR$ 45,00 (10%)
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: 1000 Crystals PackDLCR$ 30,60 (10%)
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: 200 Crystals PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: 2100 Crystals PackDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: 4400 Crystals PackDLCR$ 121,50 (10%)
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: 500 Crystals PackDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Season PassDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Ultimate Upgrade PackDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The BioWare BundleGAMER$ 188,10 (10%)HDR
The Complete EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 BundleDLCR$ 29,70 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Backyard StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Bowling Night StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Bundle - Cats & Dogs, Parenthood, Toddler StuffDLCR$ 179,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Bundle - Get to Work, Dine Out, Cool Kitchen StuffDLCR$ 179,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Cool Kitchen StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Deluxe Party EditionGAMER$ 179,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Deluxe Party Edition UpgradeDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Fitness StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Kids Room StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Laundry Day StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Luxury Party StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Movie Hangout StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 ParenthoodDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Perfect Patio StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Plus Cats & Dogs BundleGAMER$ 179,10 (10%)Enhanced
The Sims™ 4 Romantic Garden StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Spooky StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Toddler StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™ 4 Vintage Glamour StuffDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
The Sims™- Seasons, Jungle Adventure, Spooky StuffDLCR$ 179,10 (10%)
Titanfall® 2 Deluxe Edition ContentDLCR$ 35,10 (10%)
Titanfall® 2 Nitro Scorch PackDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn BundleDLCR$ 67,50 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Callsign PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Camo PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Ion Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Legion Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Northstar Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Ronin Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Scorch Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Tone Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Jump Start PackDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Legion PrimeDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Monarch"s Reign BundleDLCR$ 67,50 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Monarch"s Reign Callsign PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Monarch"s Reign Camo PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Monarch"s Reign Legion Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Monarch"s Reign Northstar Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Monarch"s Reign Ronin Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall® 2: Northstar PrimeDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: 8-Bit LG-97 ThunderboltDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Angel City Callsign PackDLCR$ 3,60 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Angel City Camo PackDLCR$ 5,40 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Angel City"s Most Wanted BundleDLCR$ 67,50 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Aqua Fade B3 WingmanDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Badlands EVA-8 AutoDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Badlands FlatlineDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Blue Fade FlatlineDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Blue Fade R-101 CarbineDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Crimson Fury CARDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Crimson Fury MastiffDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Crimson Fury R-201 CarbineDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Crimson Fury SA-3 MozambiqueDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Frontier Patriot AlternatorDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Frontier Patriot R-201 CarbineDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Headhunter AlternatorDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Heat Sink EM-4 Cold WarDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Heat Sink L-STARDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Heat Sink VoltDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Ion Art Pack 1DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Ion PrimeDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Lead Farmer SpitfireDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Legion Art Pack 1DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: MRVN EPGDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Masterwork D-2 Double TakeDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Masterwork G2A5DLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Masterwork Kraber-AP SniperDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Masterwork R-6P SoftballDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Masterwork Sidewinder SMRDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Mochi Hemlok BF-RDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Monarch"s Reign Ion Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Monarch"s Reign Scorch Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Monarch"s Reign Tone Art PackDLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Northstar Art Pack 1DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Operation Endeavor Warpaint BundleDLCR$ 62,10 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Phantom ArcherDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Phantom Longbow-DMRDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Prime Titan BundleDLCR$ 53,10 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Purple Fade G2A5DLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Purple Fade R-97DLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: RSPN Customs X-55 DevotionDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Ronin Art Pack 1DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Ronin PrimeDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Scorch Art Pack 1DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Scorch PrimeDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Sky R-97DLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Tone Art Pack 1DLCR$ 7,20 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Tone PrimeDLCR$ 12,60 (10%)
Titanfall™ 2: Underground R-201 CarbineDLCR$ 14,22 (10%)
Vehicle ShortcutDLCR$ 44,10 (10%)
Última edição:
Teria como colocar as tabelas com uma opção de expandir ? Pq o tamanho do post ficou muito grande... assim clico na tabela que quero ver (Ex.: DwG) e expande as linhas para que eu veja o conteúdo ...
Teria como colocar as tabelas com uma opção de expandir ? Pq o tamanho do post ficou muito grande... assim clico na tabela que quero ver (Ex.: DwG) e expande as linhas para que eu veja o conteúdo ...
Concordo, ficou muita informação na tela.

De qualquer forma, ótima iniciativa. Parabéns @Shivan .
Parabéns pelo tópico e pela dedicação mano!

A dica que dou, caso seja possível, é dar opção de ordenar a tabela ou pesquisar, mais uma vez ótimo tópico!
Infelizmente tentei fazer isso e não consegui. Ainda não desisti mas nesse tipo de coisa fóruns são bem limitados.
Realmente, deve ser limitado colocar essas paradas no fórum, se não tiver como pelo menos tenta deixar ordenado como padrão dos maiores descontos para os menores.
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