Ni no Kuni II - Reviews


Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro

Lançamento dia 23/03/2018 para PC e PS4.

Metacritic de 86 no PS4 (44 críticas) e 87 no PC (6 críticas).

Dualshockers: 100
I loved every moment of Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom and could easily recommend it as an entry point to the genre for newcomers as well as longtime fans of the genre. Developer Level-5 has truly outdone themselves with this one and I would just like to say to them, thank you for the adventure.

Playstation Universe: 95

Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is pure greatness. Everything it does it does at the highest level. RPG fans owe it to themselves to experience this gem. Easily one of the best games of this generation.

IGN Espanha: 9,2
A magical game that lives up to the legacy of the first entry of the series. A great RPG that you have to play.

EGM: 85
Ni No Kuni II is full of some tremendously creative decisions that make this unlike many other Japanese RPGs, as well as a clear step above an already good game in the original Ni No Kuni. However, some additions like the RTS elements left me scratching my head. Despite this, Ni No Kuni II tells a beautiful story that’s set in an even more beautiful world, and should be enjoyed by most JRPG fans.

Game Informer: 80
Building your kingdom is satisfying and engaging, even with the weak narrative hooks. The cycle of rewards became an obsession, and had me staying up late to recruit just one more ally, or complete just one more upgrade. Combat could be tighter, and other supporting elements could use some polish – but like any kingdom, this experience isn’t about individual contributions. It’s about how those contributions come together, and the fun of this experience as a whole outweighs its flaws.

Gamespot: 80
It's chock full of excellent battles and surprising moments that make for a far more memorable experience than you initially expect and leaves you impressed by your own accomplishments. If you didn't play the first game, don't let this one pass you by too.

IGN Americana: 78
Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom distinguishes itself from its predecessor by layering fast-paced, real-time combat and an engaging kingdom building system atop more traditional RPG systems and quests. It’s a shame it delivers so few truly memorable characters and restricts so much of its storytelling to text on screen, but by the end of Ni No Kuni 2 the broader themes certainly resonate and the 40+ hour journey has been well worth it.

Mais reviews e link para as análises completas usadas nesse tópico estão na página do jogo no metacritic:

Hasta la vista, babys!


Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Dando uma lida bem por alto nos reviews (até porque eu já estou decidido a comprar, então descobrirei por mim mesmo rs), eu arrisco dizer que está dentro do que eu esperava.

Algumas coisas me chamara a atenção, como na review da IGN USA eles comentarem que "delivers in pacing and scope, but is let down by a lack of character development and challenge".

Em alguns reviews eles não rasgaram cedas para o sistema de construir o reunio e para a elaboração de algumas quests.

Bom, agora é aguardar a sexta feira pra ver como o jogo está.
  • Curtir
Reações: Edu Barros

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Boas notas, também já estava decidido a comprar então fico feliz.
Os problemas que li de desenvolvimento de personagens e ritmo são bastante comuns em JRPGs, acho que com minha casca grossa no gênero vou tirar de letra.


Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Estava me segurando até agora para comprar o jogo na espera no negócio certo... nuuvem colocou a R$ 119,59 no pagamento em boleto.

Boletei com todas as forças da minha alma rs.

Agora é só esperar a sexta feira.

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