[JOGO] Penarium ( 1000 gs )


Desde o Oddysey
Novembro 21, 2006
Belo Horizonte
Jogo: Penarium
Total de Pontos: 1000 gs
Total desafios: 0
Total: 24
  • Total individual: 24
  • Total multiplayer: 0

# Conquistas #


You Have Seen Nothing Yet..
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have died at least 5 times in any single player mode.


Smash Them!
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have smashed a minimum of 20 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.


Smash Some More!
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have smashed a minimum of 50 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.


Survivor Of Dragons
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: sim Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have beaten the dragon's nest challenge in campaign mode.


Keep On Smashing!
Pontos: 60 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have smashed a minimum of 100 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.


Completely Smashed!
Pontos: 80 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have smashed a minimum of 150 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.


How It All Started..
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: sim Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have completed the first arena in campaign mode.


The Story Unfolds..
Pontos: 60 gs Secreta: sim Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have completed the second arena in campaign mode.


Dramatic Conclusion..
Pontos: 80 gs Secreta: sim Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have completed the third arena in campaign mode.


Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have collected a minimum of 6 cards.


Pontos: 60 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have collected a minimum of 10 cards.


Pontos: 80 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have collected a minimum of 14 cards.


Poor Farmer Boy..
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have died at least 15 times in any single player mode.


This Is Getting Awkward
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have died at least 50 times in any single player mode.


I Can't Take This Anymore..
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have died at least 250 times in any single player mode.


Death Wish
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have died at least 1000 times in any single player mode.


Spare Some Change?
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 500 coins.


Middle Classy
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 1000 coins.


Coming Up In The World..
Pontos: 60 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 2500 coins.


All Your Coin Are Belong To Me!
Pontos: 80 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 5000 coins.


Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: sim Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have died from a direct hit by an icicle while in mid air.


Cheer Up Kiddo!
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: sim Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have beaten the first balloon challenge in campaign mode.


Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: sim Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have beaten the first cauldrons challenge in the campaign mode.


It's On Like...
Pontos: 60 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: You have beaten the boulder madness challenge in campaign mode.

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