[JOGO] Chivalry: Medieval Warfare ( 1000 gs )


Desde o Oddysey
Novembro 21, 2006
Belo Horizonte
Jogo: Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Total de Pontos: 1000 gs
Total desafios: 0
Total: 40
  • Total individual: 40
  • Total multiplayer: 0

# Conquistas #


Archer Veteran's Helmet
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Became a veteran archer in public multiplayer matches.


Man-at-arms Veteran's Helmet
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Became a veteran man-at-arms in public multiplayer matches.


Vanguard Veteran's Helmet
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Became a veteran vanguard in public multiplayer matches.


Knight Veteran's Helmet
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Became a veteran knight in public multiplayer matches.


Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Unlocked all swords in public multiplayer matches.


Rotisserie Chef
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Decapitated an opponent who is on fire in a public multiplayer match.


Heads Together
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Decapitated two opponents with one swing in a public multiplayer match.


Five Star Archer
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Got 10 headshots with a ranged weapon in a single public multiplayer game before map rotation


Reach Level 5
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough points to reach level 5 in public multiplayer matches.


Reach Level 10
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough points to reach level 10 in public multiplayer matches.


Reach Level 20
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough points to reach level 20 in public multiplayer matches.


Bow Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a bow in public multiplayer matches.


All Bows Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all bows in public multiplayer matches.


Crossbow Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a crossbow in public multiplayer matches.


All Crossbows Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all crossbows in public multiplayer matches.


Javelin Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a javelin in public multiplayer matches.


All Javelins Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all javelins in public multiplayer matches.


One-handed Sharp Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a one-handed sharp weapon in public multiplayer matches.


All One-handed Sharps Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all one-handed sharp weapons in public multiplayer matches.


One-handed Axe Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a one-handed axe in public multiplayer matches.


All One-handed Axes Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all one-handed axes in public multiplayer matches.


One-handed Blunt Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a one-handed blunt weapon in public multiplayer matches.


All One-handed Blunts Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all one-handed blunt weapons in public multiplayer matches.


Two-handed Sword Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a two-handed sword in public multiplayer matches.


All Two-handed Swords Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all two-handed swords in public multiplayer matches.


Spear Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a spear in public multiplayer matches.


All Spears Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all spears in public multiplayer matches.


Polearm Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a polearm in public multiplayer matches.


All Polearms Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all polearms in public multiplayer matches.


Two-handed Axe Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a two-handed axe in public multiplayer matches.


All Two-handed Axes Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all two-handed axes in public multiplayer matches.


Heavy Blunt Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a heavy blunt weapon in public multiplayer matches.


All Heavy Blunts Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all heavy blunt weapons in public multiplayer matches.


Bastard Weapon Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a bastard weapon in public multiplayer matches.


All Bastard Weapons Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all bastard weapons in public multiplayer matches.


Dagger Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a dagger in public multiplayer matches.


All Daggers Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all daggers in public multiplayer matches.


Light Weapon Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock a light weapon in public multiplayer matches.


All Light Weapons Unlocked
Pontos: 20 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Gathered enough experience to unlock all light weapons in public multiplayer matches.


Achieve Everything
Pontos: 40 gs Secreta: não Tipo: individual
Descrição: Unlocked all achievements

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