Rumor Central de Rumores Xbox: "Eu aumento, mas não invento"

Jogos exclusivos serão multiplataforma, o que você vai fazer?

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Novembro 1, 2015

Rand and Jez podcast:

  • Nick says he has heard about some things that could take Era offline.
  • Jez has heard some absolutely "wild things", but he can't believe them and refuses to believe them
  • Jez says basically "Windows 11" (codename : Sun Valley) is coming in the June Windows event, they are revamping the entire Windows platform. The MS store is getting overhauled, the store will be a lot more Steam like.
Jeff Grubb podcast:

  • Jeff says as recently as 10 days ago MS was not thinking about a lot of acquisitions for the show, at least from what he knows. So he thinks they must be rushing to include them in the show.
  • One of the studios MS publishing is working with has a budget of a 100 million dollars, seemingly one of the rumoured studios (I.O.I or Avalanche.)
  • Jeff talks about the acquisition rumours out there currently (I.O.I, Avalanche and Crytek), Jeff then brings up two other rumours that are out there (Netherrealm and Rocksteady.)
  • Jeff seemingly (pinch of salt) mentions Avowed could be at the show after all? When asked what Xbox could do to surprise people with their show, Jeff answered that they have to surprise people with the "quality of the execution of Avowed, Omen, Halo and Starfield...."
  • Jeff thinks there definitely will not be Hellblade gameplay at the show, he heard that they were going to show some more CG but ended up pulling it. He thinks they pulled it because they didn't want to show more CG.
As vezes eu acho que a missão do Jeff Grubb é aloprar o rumor pras pessoas esquecerem dele.


Maio 6, 2019
Não era mais forte ontem, quanto mais hoje.

Mas cada qual o seu gosto!
Como diria o Chris:

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