Review Spyro Reignited Trilogy


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
O título remasterizado está saindo super bem. Neste momento marcando média de 85 pontos no Metacritic.

O jogo está previsto para dia 13 de novembro e custa R$ 150,00 na Xbox Live.

Lembrando que o jogo está dublado e por sinal a qualidade da dublagem é excelente.

Sobre a mídia física em especial a versão do Xbox, temos uma curiosidade postada em outro tópico. Tem apenas 238MB e o restante do jogo é download via rede.


Press Start Australia 90

Taking off the nostalgia goggles for a moment, Toys For Bob have done a brilliant job in revamping a classic trilogy of games. In updating the visuals and tweaking the controls, they’ve stayed true to the source material and crafted an experience so involving that you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a brand new game. Initial viewings had me concerned that they might not be able to live up to the hype; but on playing the game, for the briefest moment I was eight years old again – and I enjoyed every minute of it.

GamesBeat 88

The new, vibrant graphics make Spyro a playable fantasy cartoon. It’s one of the most attractive kid-friendly games you’ll find.

IGN 85

Toys for Bob has done a great job of filling Spyro’s first three adventures with such reinvigorated life. Worlds a are packed to the brim with more detail, animations are consistently endearing, and the quality of life improvements make revisiting these once analog stick-less platformers a joy to play. They’re definitely easier thanks to some of those changes, but no less charming to play.

Critical Hit 75

The Reignited Trilogy is Sypro in his best purple suit, with a stunning recreation of his three adventures making you forget how rough and aged they’ve become over two decades. Its gameplay is retrospectively simplistic but still engaging, with only persisting camera issues and troublesome audio implementations getting in the way of a special return journey. 70

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a good compilation with three excellent platform games from the first PlayStation. Redone from scratch, the game offers a nice new design with some technical flaws, and the gameplay feels a bit old, but it's still a good nostalgic trip for the whole family this Christmas.
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Reações: Edu Barros

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