Rumor Central de Rumores Xbox: "Eu aumento, mas não invento"

Jogos exclusivos serão multiplataforma, o que você vai fazer?

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Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Parece que um site francês canadense abriu a boca antes da hora em relação às novidades que o Stadia preparou para hoje, às 13h.

  • Launch in November in 14 countries (including Canada)
  • You can preorder the "founder's edition" of Stadia for 169$ today, which includes the gamepad, a Chromecast Ultra (which is 6cm in length), Destiny 2 and three months of subscription
  • Stadia works through a subscription only at first. The Stadia Pro sub costs 11.99$ per month and will include streaming up to 4K/60fps. Note that only "older" games will be included in this sub, and more recent games will have to be bought separately.
  • A separate sub will be available in 2020, and is completely free. It'll only allow up to 1080p streaming, and won't include any game like the Pro sub.
  • 10mbps in download/1mbp in upload is the minimal requirement, with 35mbps required for 4K "optimal comfort".
  • You'll need the Chromecast for Stadia to work at launch, but it's planned to work through any Google device with Google Chrome in 2020.
  • Games planned include Destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Divison 2, DOOM, all three Tomb Raider games.
  • Line-up will have 31 games at launch.
Última edição:
  • Curtir
Reações: 2JLR


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo
Parece que um site francês abriu a boca antes da hora em relação às novidades que o Stadia preparou para hoje, às 13h.

  • Launch in November in 14 countries (including Canada)
  • You can preorder the "founder's edition" of Stadia for 169$ today, which includes the gamepad, a Chromecast Ultra (which is 6cm in length), Destiny 2 and three months of subscription
  • Stadia works through a subscription only at first. The Stadia Pro sub costs 11.99$ per month and will include streaming up to 4K/60fps. Note that only "older" games will be included in this sub, and more recent games will have to be bought separately.
  • A separate sub will be available in 2020, and is completely free. It'll only allow up to 1080p streaming, and won't include any game like the Pro sub.
  • 10mbps in download/1mbp in upload is the minimal requirement, with 35mbps required for 4K "optimal comfort".
  • You'll need the Chromecast for Stadia to work at launch, but it's planned to work through any Google device with Google Chrome in 2020.
  • Games planned include Destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Divison 2, DOOM, all three Tomb Raider games.
  • Line-up will have 31 games at launch.
Nossa que... biribinha


? Espinho do PXB ?
Janeiro 29, 2014
Parece que um site francês abriu a boca antes da hora em relação às novidades que o Stadia preparou para hoje, às 13h.

  • Launch in November in 14 countries (including Canada)
  • You can preorder the "founder's edition" of Stadia for 169$ today, which includes the gamepad, a Chromecast Ultra (which is 6cm in length), Destiny 2 and three months of subscription
  • Stadia works through a subscription only at first. The Stadia Pro sub costs 11.99$ per month and will include streaming up to 4K/60fps. Note that only "older" games will be included in this sub, and more recent games will have to be bought separately.
  • A separate sub will be available in 2020, and is completely free. It'll only allow up to 1080p streaming, and won't include any game like the Pro sub.
  • 10mbps in download/1mbp in upload is the minimal requirement, with 35mbps required for 4K "optimal comfort".
  • You'll need the Chromecast for Stadia to work at launch, but it's planned to work through any Google device with Google Chrome in 2020.
  • Games planned include Destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Divison 2, DOOM, all three Tomb Raider games.
  • Line-up will have 31 games at launch.

Já responde algumas coisas (se verdade). Por exemplo, se é tipo GamePass ou se você só teria acesso ao game que comprar, tipo Steam.
Steam tá cada dia mais ficando pra trás, pois continua com o modelo "Compre e jogue".

Não estou com hype para cloud (Stadia / XCloud / PS Now) simplesmente pq acho que não vai funcionar de boa, embora a idéia seja bacana.
Ainda prefiro o console físico. Daqui uns 2-3 anos espero mudar de opinião.
  • Curtir
Reações: PerijonesBR


? Espinho do PXB ?
Janeiro 29, 2014
2-3 anos é mais rápido que um estalo do Thanos ?
Poderia ser daqui 3 dias (!), mas acho que ainda não é hora com a internet no Brasil. Que o XCloud mude minha opinião.

Outro dia alguem citou que o Brasil não foi usado geograficamente para distribuir a internet vinda de fora.
Exemplo: USA > São Paulo (desce) > Fortaleza (sobe)
Ao invés de: USA > Fortaleza (desce) > São Paulo (desce)

Mas o que importa é o centro SP / RJ, então, vai demorar para isso melhorar.
  • Curtir
Reações: PerijonesBR e 2JLR


PXB Gold
Dezembro 12, 2013
Parece que um site francês canadense abriu a boca antes da hora em relação às novidades que o Stadia preparou para hoje, às 13h.

  • Launch in November in 14 countries (including Canada)
  • You can preorder the "founder's edition" of Stadia for 169$ today, which includes the gamepad, a Chromecast Ultra (which is 6cm in length), Destiny 2 and three months of subscription
  • Stadia works through a subscription only at first. The Stadia Pro sub costs 11.99$ per month and will include streaming up to 4K/60fps. Note that only "older" games will be included in this sub, and more recent games will have to be bought separately.
  • A separate sub will be available in 2020, and is completely free. It'll only allow up to 1080p streaming, and won't include any game like the Pro sub.
  • 10mbps in download/1mbp in upload is the minimal requirement, with 35mbps required for 4K "optimal comfort".
  • You'll need the Chromecast for Stadia to work at launch, but it's planned to work through any Google device with Google Chrome in 2020.
  • Games planned include Destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Divison 2, DOOM, all three Tomb Raider games.
  • Line-up will have 31 games at launch.
Microsoft já deve estar estourando o champanhe

Nasceu morto, 31 jogos contra 3000 do xClaudio


Agosto 15, 2007
Kingman, AZ
Parece que um site francês canadense abriu a boca antes da hora em relação às novidades que o Stadia preparou para hoje, às 13h.

  • Launch in November in 14 countries (including Canada)
  • You can preorder the "founder's edition" of Stadia for 169$ today, which includes the gamepad, a Chromecast Ultra (which is 6cm in length), Destiny 2 and three months of subscription
  • Stadia works through a subscription only at first. The Stadia Pro sub costs 11.99$ per month and will include streaming up to 4K/60fps. Note that only "older" games will be included in this sub, and more recent games will have to be bought separately.
  • A separate sub will be available in 2020, and is completely free. It'll only allow up to 1080p streaming, and won't include any game like the Pro sub.
  • 10mbps in download/1mbp in upload is the minimal requirement, with 35mbps required for 4K "optimal comfort".
  • You'll need the Chromecast for Stadia to work at launch, but it's planned to work through any Google device with Google Chrome in 2020.
  • Games planned include Destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Divison 2, DOOM, all three Tomb Raider games.
  • Line-up will have 31 games at launch.

Achei bem interessante....


Um Nahobino...
PXB Gold
Abril 5, 2018
Parece que um site francês canadense abriu a boca antes da hora em relação às novidades que o Stadia preparou para hoje, às 13h.

  • Games planned include Destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Divison 2, DOOM, all three Tomb Raider games.
  • Line-up will have 31 games at launch.


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo
A Microsoft precisa garantir que esses 3000 jogos realmente estarão no Xcloud. Sabemos (e ela também sabe), que deixar as coisas na mãos dos desenvolvedores é o mesmo que nada, então é melhor ela começar a ligar pra cada um deles pedindo autorização pra ela mesmo marcar o checkbox.

Sobre o PXB

  • Desde 2005 nossa comunidade se orgulha de oferecer discussões inteligentes e críticas sobre a plataforma Xbox. Estamos trabalhando todos os dias para garantir que nossa comunidade seja uma das melhores.

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  • As opiniões expressas neste neste site são da inteira responsabilidade dos autores. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox Live, os logotipos do Xbox e/ou outros produtos da Microsoft mencionados neste site são marcas comerciais ou registradas da Microsoft Corporation.

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